When did Jesus become your personal Lord and Savior?  
Recently, I was asked the question: How long have you been saved?  I was completely shocked and taken off guard at this inquiry.  But why?  Why would talking about, what should have been, the most significant, most important, most miraculous moment of my life be weird?  I thought about this and realized – I didn’t really know. 
I know the age I accepted Christ – 11 (maybe 10… no, I’m pretty sure it was when I was 11).  I have the actual date written down somewhere, but I couldn’t tell you right off hand.  Then, I started thinking about the reason for this… why is it I don’t really remember when this most significant, most important, most miraculous day took place?  Then I realized that it wasn’t the most significant day… for me.
At  approximately 11 years old, yes, I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior…. but, it wasn’t till two years ago that it started to get personal.  
At 11, the day I accepted Christ, the day I acknowledged my Father’s love for me, that was the most significant day in my life… to Him.  That day the angels had a party and my name was written down and the fate of my eternity was set.  But on December 5, 2008, the day I decided to make it personal, the day I acknowledged my love for my Father, that was the most significant day in my life… to me.  That day freedom was released, chains were broken, a hunger set in, a passion began to build, and the destiny of my life was set into motion.
Getting personal…. falling in Love with my Creator, relying completely on my Father, surrendering everything to my King – DAILY…  Getting personal… that is the most significant, most important, most miraculous moment for me… everyday.
And I want more!  I’m craving more! 
These next 11 months are going to allow me to be with Him, love Him, serve Him, obey Him, see and hear and feel Him, and experience Him in ways that I never have before!  If living out of a backpack, giving up the comforts of home, leaving all that I love behind… if that will allow me to know more of Him and in turn allow me to give more back – I’m 100% in!  I would do anything to know more, love more….  And when I get back, it is not the end of our love affair, but the beginning!  Everyday is a day to go deeper, go farther, love more, receive more… give all to Him. 

It takes work to keep the butterflies alive in any relationship

…the love that you will receive… the capacity, that grows, for you to love Him back….. if you will just make it personal… He is just  INDESCRIBABLE!! 

His love is all consuming
His love is addictive
His love is infectious

His love is perfect
We love because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19