Here’s a little information to get to know who I am and why the World Race is important to my life journey. 

I am 22 years old and the majority of my life has been spent in Duluth, MN, where I was born and raised. I have always taken pride in growing up as a northern Minnesotan and I believe this upbringing has formed my adventurous spirit; I love exploring, the outdoors, and yummy hotdishes.  

Soon, I will be graduating from the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire with a degree in business management. I have always assumed I would jump right into the traditional workforce after school, but fortunately, God has a different assignment for me. 

The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepard in Duluth is the root of my Christianity; it has been my home ever since I can remember. Going away for college, I found a new church and an adult-group called Awaken, where I recently found myself re-born again in Christ. I have this spark in my Christianity and it seriously ignited a fire in my soul, so I’m taking action on what the Lord is calling me to do. 

After seeing a friend’s involvement with the World Race, I admired her journey and bravery, but I never thought I could do the amazing things she was doing. Over time, I started to see myself in her shoes. After five months of thoughtful consideration, I knew this race was in my calling and a part of my own, unique journey too. 


Missionary Background:

I started going on mission trips when I was in fifth grade. I went to Mexico with my mom and a few college professors. Reading to young kids in a little village outside of Puerto Vallarta will forever be one of my favorite memories and pivotal moments.  

When I was sixteen, I sat in the church pew and told my mom I wanted to go to Honduras. She accompanied for three trips since that initial request. From Mexico to Honduras, and all the national trips in-between, I have left pieces of my heart in each place. 


And now I am here. 


Eleven countries in eleven months. Eleven more places to leave a piece of my heart. This excites me and terrifies me at the same time. For those who know me, I have very close relationships with my family members and doggies. This will be one of the most difficult, challenging, and transformative commitments for me, allowing me to grow on my own, but I am confident that this will be the most rewarding and life-challenging journeys I could encounter. 


A few fun facts about me: 

I really enjoy doing the dishes..

Cows are my favorite animal and I think they’re so cute despite their stinkiess!

I love fishing, especially with my dad.