I sit in wonder right now .

  What if?…

What if I wouldn’t have listened to God calling me? Put to action what He has placed in my heart. To listen to the growing passion to go to the other side of the world for the simple reason to be obidient to God’s voice. What would I have missed out on? Who would have missed out?

Just in these short few months of when I applied to be part of WR and now my faith has grown so much!

God is calling me out to do great and mighty things! Me? Crazy, right?  

What if?…

What if when we  felt that nudg or prompting to do something we actually acted on it?

I think we can all relate to that moment when we feel the urge to act on what God has placed on our heart , but do not act.

Fear, confusion, insecurity, hurts, unforgiveness , health, finances, feeling your not good or “holy” enough, we can think of a million reasons why we can’t or shouldn’t . 

So, now let’s think on what if we did act on what God places on our hearts. Those million reasons of why we shouldn’t are still there. We just decide to focus our attention to the fact that if God is calling us to do something. There must be a reason why. If there is a reason why then He has already prepared the way. So the question we must ask ourselves is what if I listen to His voice?… What if ?…

I challenge you to search your hearts right now! Be bold! Ask God,

“what is next in my life? Please show me.”

This is a process. I will walk you through my process.  For now seek out some quiet time. Sit in wonder and think on …what if ?                                                                                                   To be continued…

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and don’t lean on your own understanding.

In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.

Proverbs 3:5-6