First I just have to say, THANK YOU!!

I can not believe I am in month 8 of this incredible journey with God. I have to apologize. I am very sorry for my lack of blogs. It was January since the last time I blogged. I have so much to say. It is so hard to get it all down. So hard to convey what I have experienced in these past 8 months. 

It means so much to me to have your support! To know I am in your prayers. I pray and think of all of you all the time. Internet has been difficult many times to get. Either quality or availability has been very poor. I have been able to post a lot of pictures on FaceBook. 

Ok, I am on my 8th month. In Malaysia! My team and I are teaching English . We had a 3 hr plane from Tallinn, Estonia to Instanbuul, Turkey. 9hrs from Turkey to Bangkok, Thailand. All trains were booked. Fortunately we found a cute hostel to rest and regroup for two nights. Then we hopped on a 23 hr train to catch an 8 hr buss to get to our destination in Malaysia.

Travel day takes on a whole new meaning now.

This has been our longest travel day yet. It went surprisingly smooth and faster than expected. Our bodies are a little tired, but I am so excited to see what God will continue to do. I am still truly humbled how I can help to impact lives. 

It is even in looking for the smallest of ways loving people can be so powerful. 

I will be writing more very soon. I just wanted to reach out to say hello. I’m still alive and I have not forgotten about you. Sorry for going MIA for so long. Please look at my Face Book account . It is public you do not have to sign in. Just look my name up- Aidi Lara. I am having trouble putting pictures on my blog. I have albums for each month. I welcome any questions you may have. 

I have been to India, Nepal, South Africa, Swaziland,Mozambique , Latvia for two months Estonia for a few days ,Thailand for a few days and now Malaysia. 

Internet is limited right now, but I will check in as much as possible . 

Be blessed!