Dear Family & Friends,

I am very excited to share some amazing news with you! I have been called on an 11 month Mission Trip to aid those in need.

Over the past two years, I have felt a stirring, a calling to do something, to do more. This calling has grown more intense over the past six months and I have followed my heart and the path laid out by God. I can no longer ignore this passion in me to help… the cries of the sick, hurting and helpless have become overwhelming. It only takes one person to make a difference, to start something more. I am only one person, but I know with God, all things are possible. [ Mathew 19:26]

Our group of 45 missionaries will be visiting 11 countries in 11 months. Our mission: 
• Help care for children who have been orphaned by parents suffering from the HIV/Aids virus
• Restore lives of victims of human trafficking
• Bringing resources to areas experiencing starvation/malnutrition
• Educating youth and adults, reducing illiteracy 
• Building churches and conducting church services, constructing schools, leading classes and summer camps
• We will also be available to assist in the event of a natural disaster
It amazes me, when I think about the living conditions and lack of resources so many are facing. My goal is to impart hope into their hearts, that they are not alone, that God hears their cries and that He is using us to answer their prayers
[Romans15:13] By doing this my hope is to bring and shine the light of Jesus to the darkest of these places. [John 8:12]

We all have our own purpose. When we step up to the plate to fulfill that purpose and come together with our gifts and talents, it is amazing what God can do through us. 
[Ephesians 3:20]

You may be wondering why I am sharing all of this with you. My goal is to raise $16,423 to fund my participation in this mission. I am asking for your assistance in providing aid to those in need, assistance to conduct God’s work. I ask that you please share in my compassion and make your donation today. Fundraising deadlines are fast approaching;  Every dollar helps, no donation is too small.

Thank you in advance for your generosity and for supporting me, as I have been called in God’s service.