What will happen now? When I go home what will life look like? So many questions. 

My whole squad will be flying into LA on November 24th. From there we all find our way home. We will say our goodbyes to each other. It will be bitter sweet. On one hand we are eagerly anticipating this next chapter of our lives . Looking forward to seeing very missed family and friends. But on the other hand saying goodbye to the people God entrusted us to, the people we had the privilege of being part of the molding and growing what  God wanted to do in us. We have made bonds with these men and woman and experienced things that no one else will understand. Eleven months off trust , hurt, challenges , silly moments or moments of horror. Regardless of what it was it was with these people for this whole year. Lifetime friendships have been made. I will always be greatful for this time. 


I have learned so much! God has used me to impact so many lives! 

Before I left God had put some big ideas into my heart . I didn’t quite understand at the time, but now it has started to become more clear. Passions have been stirred that could only have come from God. Ideas that I think to myself “why me? Who am I?” and ” I don’t know the right people” etc…but God knows the right people. Our God is the God of endless recourses .  I am confident that as I act on the things God directs me to and don’t hesitate God’s blessings, favor and provision will be there at just the right time. The hows and whys are not for me to figure out. That is God’s department. I just need to be at the right place at the right time and seek His face in all that I do. Seek His will above all else.


I lived in Jupiter, FL before I left. I was renting an adorable studio apartment walking distance to the beach I love. I spent most of my free time there. Morning day or night it didn’t matter.  I’ve been a hairstylist and colorist for fifteen years. I worked in a high end salon with an incredible boss and extremely talented co workers. I had an exellent team to work with. Wonderful clients of many have become friends through the years. I had settled into an incredible church family! I am surrounded by people who deeply care for me and support me. I am truly blessed . All this to say I have the option to come home to a very comfortable and blessed life. After serious prayer and seeking God’s will for me when I get back home He has started to give some direction. Just a couple things so far. One being not to return to the salon I’ve been in or any other. There is something else I am to do for now. I do not yet know what that is. I am honestly not sure how long I will be in the U.S. 

While plans are a good thing I feel like God is wanting to teach me how to rely on HI’m for everything. I have peace that the details are already worked out. All I have to do is be patient and resist the need to get my hands on the wheel and let God do His thing. Things work out so much better that way.

It goes back to roughly three years ago when God gave me this ; I felt that I could continue to live how I was and have a blessed life… Or, I could press in deeper where He had something amazing waiting. Something that is not only going to blow my mind of how big and incredible it is there would be many other lives affected as well. And that was the beginning of my journey to go deeper towards God. 

I feel I am at a similar sittuation . I could very easily go slip into my routine. And still be a part of impacting my community. I know God would bless that, but there is more and it is big. I can not ignor that! I must continue to go deeper. There is no feeling that compares to being smack in the middle of Gods will! That is where I am now. There is no other place I want to be. While it might not make sense or can be hard to wrap our brains around I must press in to continue to pursue God’s purpose in my life. What He has truly created me for. 

I am so grateful for everyone that has been so supportive. For all the prayers.  I am so blessed to have so many people in my life that have made all this possible! I always am overwhelmed when I think about how many people made this a reality. From the years leading up to me leaving to currently this past eleven months and for what is to come . I could not have done it with out everyone. THANK YOU!!!


I will keep everyone posted on this next journey. A new chapter is beginning. I want all of you to be a part of this. I am planning on staying in Califirnia for a little while to visit some friends and churches . I will work my way to NJ to see my Grandparents , Ant and Cousins. Then I will make my way back to Florida. At least for now that is what I’m thinking.   Plans may vary. I am so excited for what is to come!!!!

I will also be adding picture to my albums on FaceBook. Please check it out.

My account is public- Aidi Lara     (I have two . I was kicked off and had to create a new one. The correct one has me wearing a red jacket on my profile)

I will be posting more blogs. There is so much I have to share about the last eleven months. It’s just all running around in my head.