11 countries. 11 months. The time I have been waiting for is here!

All these months of preparation and anticipation is finally here. All of us “Racers” Are gathering here in GA. Different stories. Different backgrounds. Yet we all have a common goal. We all share passions. In just a few days will be going to our 1st country, India. It all feels so surreal.

 Is this really happening? I have been anticipating this time for so long. And now it’s happening! WOW. I am so excited. What will we eat, see, hear…. Who will we meet? How will God use us? I have been in a marathon of working extra hrs ,fundraising, DR’s appointments and oh, ya packing for 11 months! I have been so focused on those things that it’s now that I am really thinking about the impact we are going to have on people. All the experiences we will have. The forever friendships will we build with our team mates and squad mates.

 Our goal ; GO! to be 100 % surrendered to where God leads us. So that we can be a reminder to everyone we come in contact with that they are loved by God and us, that they are not alone. And to help each other grow closer to the person God has created us to be.

As one chapter in my life closes a new exciting one opens. While I will miss everyone, my comforts my church and what I consider familiar. Words can’t totally express the peace I feel in my heart knowing that I am doing what God has called me to do at this time in my life. The joy that is overflowing from my heart that He has brought me to this point and for what is yet to come. So many new experiences!!!!!!!!

Funds collected, good byes said, bags packed, last minute training, teams gathered getting on the same page. Here we go world.The time is here, READY, SET, GO!!!!!!!