How cool would it be if our lives were and became such an act of worship we gave off the scent of sweet insense? What if ? The bible talks about asking the Lord to receive our praise as sweet insense . (Psalm 141:1-2 MSG) 


In the book of Romans it says ” Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer up your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God- this is your true and proper worship. ” ( Romans 12:1 NIV)

This is talking about our life being an act of worship. Could you imagine living a life that brought the Lord so much worship we gave off a heavenly fragrance? We would exude the smell of sweet insense everywhere we went. 


Ok, now picture this; being so immersed in God’s presence we could smell Him. As we begin to immerse ourselves in His presence our lives begin to worship Him more and more. We are so close to Him we smell Him. Then as we begin to live as an act of worship our lives emit the aroma of sweet insense. As God takes and receives this insense being our lives.  We enter into His presence being so immersed in it we begin to smell like Him to others around us. We are so close to Him we are allowed to smell His presence!


Him in us. Us in Him. And out to everyone else.