I am 34 yrs.old. I gave my heart to the Lord when I was 14yrs. old. I live and grew up Florida. I am a hair stylist. I have been in this industry for 14 yrs. now. for the past 2 1/2 YRS. I have been at the Sam Jon’s Aveda Salon. In down town at the gardens. It’s awesome.My home church is Generation Church. The most amazing church EVER! Everyone at Generation has been extremely warm and welcoming to me. It feels so good to have a church family. I love everything about the beach. the wind, water, sand and the sound of the ocean.

I have had my share of up and downs through my life. As with all of us. I can truly say that God has worked all of those situations for my good/His good. No regrets, If sharing my pain, lessons and times of growth can help encourage others it’s so worth it. I am very happy to share. It has all made me who I am today. I am a stronger wiser person now. I am closer to becoming the woman God created me to be. Closer to His purpose for me. God has taught me so much this past year I am so excited to go out to reach as many people as I can. To make an impact on their lives so they can know how much Jesus loves them. This is a new chapter in my life. I can’t wait to see and do what God has for me. So I can make a difference. Not for my own legacy, but to make the most with life He has given me. It’s what we were created for. It is a privilege.