That’s right. I am breaking form. I am changing course. I am going against my very nature. I am becoming a follower.                                                           


As long as I can remember I have craved leadership. I enjoy paving the way, problem solving, leading by example, and seeing results. Efficiency, effectiveness, and engagement are things I strive for. So when I realized I was being called to give up control for a year and follow the lead of someone else, I would be lying if I didn’t tell you that I was a little skeptical (more like terrified).


For a long time, I have thought that to be a leader I needed to be innovative. I needed to find new ways of accomplishing tasks, and forge a clear path for others to follow. However, in reality, my path has already been carefully mapped out. God didn’t ask me to find my own way, he sent his son to create a perfect path and guide the way for ME. He didn’t say it would be easy or promise a smooth trip, but He guaranteed that it would be worth the effort, and that He would never leave me to face the challenges alone. I am so ignorant to think that my plan could be better than His. He selflessly leads and patiently waits for me to decide to follow. No matter how long I take or how many times I question Him, He waits for me and longs for me to trust in His perfect plan. 


“You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” Psalms 16:11


I’ve decided that I will not make Him wait any longer. From this point forward, I am giving my life to God alone. I am letting him guide my every step and point me in the direction of his choosing. He has placed on my heart a burning desire to make a radical change, to step away from the hustle and bustle of the life I lead now and refocus on what He wants for me. So… I am going on the World Race!


What is the World Race? The World Race is an 11 month mission trip during which I will visit 11 countries through an incredible organization called Adventures in Missions.  I am leaving this July and will return in May 2015. During my journey, I will travel to Colmobia, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Thailand, Cambodia, Japan, Malaysia, Swaziland, Botswana, and South Africa! I will be ministering in many different ways, from teaching English and working with orphans to cleaning, painting, and construction. I know it will be a challenging experience with ups and downs, excitement and confusion, but I also know that I will never be alone. With God leading my way and His son as my perfect example, I cannot fail.


Over the next few months as I prepare for the race and once I set out on my journey, I will face many challenges and will be growing immensely in Christ. I humbly ask that you keep me in your prayers as I embark on this experience of a lifetime!


** I owe a HUGE thank you to one of my best friends Kristen Dworaczyk who opened my eyes to this incredible opportunity and encouraged me to apply. She is currently on month 3 of her World Race journey. Click on this link to check out Kristen’s Blog !