At the end of October I left South America with a heavy heart. My first 4 months of this 11 month journey were incredible. The countries we visited were pretty, but the hearts of the people we met were more beautiful than anything I had ever encountered. I came on the World Race to serve others, but I left South America having been blessed abundantly every single day. I learned to be still, and God worked in and through me in every place we visited. Whether we were visiting tribes in Bolivia, praying with prisoners in Peru, teaching English in Ecuador, or sharing our faith in schools in Colombia, God was incredibly faithful.

Here is a look at the last 4 months through questions posed by some of my friends and supporters…

1)      Are the people in South America friendly? – Kelvin Sambo

I have never met people more selfless than the Bolivians, Peruvians, Ecuadorians, and Colombians that welcomed us into their lives and hearts for a month. We laughed together, cried together, prayed together, and served together; and I am certain that I learned more from them than they did from me. The South Americans who I now consider my brothers and sisters are pretty comparable to the South Louisianians – full of fun, incredibly hospitable, and eager to share their lives and stories over a home cooked meal.

2)      Of all of the different ministries you have shared in thus far, what is your favorite? Why? – Melissa Dworaczyk

We shared in many different ministries over the last 4 months that were all rewarding, but my favorite ministry (and also the most consistent one) was relational ministry. Being a witness of Christ’s love is powerful, and sharing that love in schools and prisons is a unique opportunity, but in reality we are only in each country for 4 weeks. Every time we leave a ministry we leave behind people who work tirelessly every day to do God’s will and further His Kingdom. One of the best things we can do is support our ministry hosts by helping them recharge. Whether that means taking over daily tasks like sweeping and doing the dishes, putting together youth programs, or just covering them in prayer; building relationships has been the most rewarding and fulfilling ministry I have done so far.

3)      If you could revisit any situation, experience or event over the last 4 months, which would it be and why? – Phyllis Richard

If I could revisit any situation from my time in South America I would go back to the indigenous tribes we visited in Bolivia. Meeting those people was a once in a lifetime situation and witnessing the way they lived was shocking. At that point in my race I lacked a boldness that I have gained since then, and I would love to go back to visit those people again and share more about the Gospel and the redeeming love of Christ. When we met the tribes’ people I realized that I am incredibly blessed to have been a member of communities where faith in God is the foundation of everything we do. Living among other Christians who speak life and share common beliefs is a huge gift. After this experience I will always be praying for strength for Christians who lack a community of believers.

4)      What is one thing you’d want us to understand or know about your first four months? – Susan Massey

The one thing I would like for you to know or learn from my first four months on the race is that the love of Christ knows no boundaries – Not language, or culture, or denomination, not time, or space, or human imperfection. Nothing is bigger than God and he has made all of this happen. Speaking on behalf of all 44 of my squadmates, we want everyone to know that us being here doesn’t make us good people or better than anyone else. No praise or recognition we have received is in our own right. God has worked through us, we are his hands and feet, and anything good that has come out of this trip so far is because of His goodness. So I encourage you in your own life to see yourself as a vessel of His love. Allow Him to use you to share the love that he freely gives and trust that any obstacle before you will be overcome by His power.

“Now to Him who is able to accomplish far more than all we ask or imagine, by the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen” Ephesians 3:20-21

PS – I am still about $2000 short of my final deadline. Please prayerfully consider supporting me and helping me share the love of God with His people in Asia and Africa!