Today is my 23rd Birthday, and I am spending it with amazing men and women of God in the beautiful city of Quito, Ecuador. This month, we have been working with a new church that is only a few weeks old. The members of the church are enthusiastic and excited. They are choosing a name, making plans, and enjoying the adventure that comes with starting something new. Fear is part of the process and the risk of failure is real, but the desire to grow the Kingdom of God outweighs the risk. The hope of new life overshadows all else.

23 years ago, I like to think my parents were going through the same thing. They were excited and nervous. They knew there were risks, but the desire to grow their family and the Kingdom of God outweighed the fear. Then I was born, and the possibilities were endless. They chose a name, started dreaming about who I would become, and embraced the adventure of raising a daughter.

You see, risk and adventure can bring paralyzing fear. Life itself is a risk. For some people even stepping out of bed in the morning is terrifying. For others fear comes with change or loss of control. When I decided to join the World Race I had no idea what was in store for me. I was scared of everything. What will God ask of me? Is my faith strong enough to carry me through an 11 month roller coaster ride of emotions? How can I minimize the risk and still receive the reward? The truth is, without risk the reward is not as sweet. When we don’t let go of control and grasp on to hope we can’t embrace the life that God has waiting for us. Just like my parents and this new church in Quito, I encourage you to join me in letting go of the fear of disappointment and the anxiety of the unknown. Let the promise of a life in Christ overtake the expectations of this world. I am 23 and clueless about what God has in store for me, but I am choosing to embrace the hope He has promised. Whether you are 23 or 83, I invite you to do the same.