Check this song out “Let it Happen”- United pursuit feat. Andrea Maria
“You’re full of life now, you’re full of passion, thats how HE made you, just let it happen. And He calls each one of us, by name to come away, and he whispers to your heart, to let it go and to be alive”
I’ll start this off with a word that my good friend Courtney prayed over me in worship two weeks ago. As he was praying I saw what he was praying in a vision. He was saying that I was already at the table with Jesus, God showed me a vision as if it was an outer-body experience. I saw myself in the vision, I was looking at myself being at the table with Jesus. Then he said “Be bold, and have courage”. (see Luke 14:7-11)
How many times do we deem ourselves unworthy?
How many times do we think, or tell ourselves that we are not good enough?
How many times do we allow our temptations, our struggles, and imperfections to steal away in a moment what God thinks of us?
How many times do we think that we have to work for Gods love, to be able to sit at the table with Jesus?
I have those thoughts. Even as long as I have been a believer, a follower of Jesus. I still struggle at times with the thought that I am actually good enough or worthy enough to be at the table with Jesus himself.
The vision meant a lot to me because God was saying, YOU are apart of me!
You are apart of this family, already!
You are worthy!
This is where I see you, sitting with me at my table celebrating LIFE with me.
You already have something to offer this world.
You see, I have already placed a purpose inside of you; that is beautiful and what I have placed on the inside of your heart, WILL come to pass.
Do you know what the beautiful part about a relationship with Jesus is?
He is so consistent in his pursuing of our hearts!!
He doesn’t stop delighting in us
He loves to encounter us with His deep love and affection,
in ways that speak to our hearts.
AND in ways that no man or woman on earth, can!!
No one ever said that life with Jesus is a walk in the park, and that once you accept Jesus in your heart that life suddenly becomes easier and you won’t ever have pain or any other human emotion. From experience, it is a journey!!
Trust me when I say this, IT IS WORTH IT!
I love the song at the top because it speaks volumes to this word. As believers, we are full of life and full of passion. It is how He made us. He called us by name, He chose us to walk with Him. To live with Him and trust that we are good, because he says we are.
So lets go back to the beginning when we first encountered God, Lets play with Him in the fields. Lets be ALIVE and celebrate the good things that God has given us. The relationships, the truth, the love, the Hope! ALL the good things that God has done to show us that He is GOD, and that WE ARE LOVED.
For those of you who are reading this, and you haven’t accepted Jesus in your heart. Listen to me as I say this…
God is sooooo in love with you. You are precious to Him, in more ways than you can imagine. You don’t have to work for it. You are worthy, perfect and beautiful in his heart. He longs to have a personal relationship with you, where He can bring healing to your heart for every wrong and evil thing done to you and every guilt, shame and loss that you have encountered in this life. He called you, to sit at the dinner table with him and enjoy all the good things He has to offer. He isn’t going to let you down, He isn’t going to fail you. He wants to provide you with everything deep down your heart really desires. A life, that is worth living. A life filled with purpose and freedom. You are not made to live in darkness, to be depressed or feel hopeless. God called you to live in HOPE and BE loved. He is waiting for you to say YES! God is real! You have the choice to accept Him and live in communion with Him, and when you say YES to God… it will change everything!!
I know because I have experienced Gods pursuing of my heart, and His love for me. The same love He has for me, He has for you. Open yourself up and ask Him to come in.
You are made to be apart of this family!
If you want prayer, or want to accept Jesus in your heart please comment or reach out to me via message. I would love the opportunity to pray for you, encourage and whatever you need.