I’m not the same person as I once was, 
I’ve discovered this year
a whole new meaning of love.
Love that is relentless in its pursuit,
where you don’t have to do anything
for it to fight for you.
A love that takes away the deepest pain,
turns it around and gives it a new name.

 A new beginning, 
a fresh new start
to put the past behind me
because of the hope
once written 
deep within my heart.
What was covered up
with fear and shame
is now the source of my joy
and my strength. 
Because of God and his love for me
I can truly see,
what God had in mind
when he created ME.
I released all control, 
let go of the fears
surrendered my plans
for his perfect will,
because I wanted so badly 
to be ONE again
like it was when I was younger
when I first gave my heart to Him;
before I fell in love, 
made idols
and depended on them.

Step by step,
day by day, 
He walked me through freedom, 
removed all the chains.
It was hard,
some days I didn’t know what to do 
but my prayers were answered; 
His love broke through.
Who am I? 
To deserve this kind of love
that would go to the ends of the earth
to prove my WORTH.
The King of ALL Kings, 
the great I AM
sent Jesus to die
so I can be with them; 
so I can travel the world
from Paris to Beijing,
to tell others of the miracles Ive seen
to spread His love and share the good news
about what God has DONE and what God can DO.
How God is a FATHER
good gifts are what HE brings,
to the lost and the hopeless
dying and shamed.
HE is compassionate, caring, a fighter for change;
because of HIM,
I will never be the same.

I am a survivor,
 a fierce warrior I am.
Jesus on my side
and sword in my hand.
.Unafraid of the future unknown,
 the enemies schemes,
and the lies that are told.
I will walk in His promise,
pursue his plans for my life
no matter what it takes
or the sacrifice.
I am coming home different
 soon you will see, 
that the Lord our God
has done a work in me.
The old has passed away,
only new remains, 
because I have indeed
been forever changed.

Thank you for your love,
and support that you gave.
I am forever grateful
for your part in this change.
Not just in me,
but for the people everywhere
that had NEVER heard HIS name
but NOW they HAVE.
Don’t forget or devalue
the part that you played,
 but remember the people around you
need his love the same;
so don’t be afraid to share what he has done,
it doesn’t have to be perfect,
your story is enough.
People need to hear it
because just like you and I,
if we don’t have Jesus
we are dying inside.
You have a gift,
that is not meant to hide.

Abiding in Him is what He wants you do, 
and out of the overflow of his love
people will be changed around you.
So speak up, sing out, and give Him praise;
because with our God
everything can change.
In one single moment,
He may call you on a race
to wipe the slate clean, 
bring you back from the grave; 
where at the end you won’t even recognize
who you once were
because of the change inside
and it may just be…THE BEST YEAR OF YOUR LIFE.

To all my supporters, subscribers, friends and family…I can not thank you enough for the love you have shown me. I am truly truly thankful for you believing in me, even when I didn’t believe in myself and for loving me in this difficult journey I have walked through this past year. You mean more to me than you can possibly imagine! God is so good, and I thank GOD each day for all of you. Stay tuned for my new blog site that is almost ready…I can’t wait for you to see it and I can not wait to see what GOD does next! Its gonna be EVEN better than this year has been, I just know it!

 Love Always, -A