I’ll be honest. This month had been super challenging; not being able to be the free bubbly loving “lets share Jesus with everyone” because of it being illegal in this country to evangelize. On top of that, I was sick for over a week with a Parasite? The jury is still out on that one, but I prayed for it to be gone after finding out the medicine would cost $40!! Thank you Jesus for your healing over my stomach!

So God showed me the second week we were here that my focus this month would be Worship…FANTASTIC! I LOVE TO WORSHIP! Thankfully God opened up the doors for us to have a free place to stay to make this possible. That morning attending church, I felt in my spirit we were suppose to stay in the city instead of heading back to the mountains (which is not something this country girl would ever suggest, so it had to be the spirit lol).
After church, we went to lunch and God confirmed it by opening up this opportunity for us (and some free meals as well that day). This family literally opened up their house and let us use their car after only a few days of knowing them while they went on vacation for two weeks. WHAT A BLESSING!!! Thats what I call LOVE! 🙂 So we have had the freedom to have worship every night that we don’t have other meetings set up! 

God opened up the door for me to worship with a local church..fyi, there are only 2 churches in this city… Hello Kentucky, bet you wouldn’t have ever thought that to be the case. Its true though! We are thankful for the people we have met from America that have given up their lives to live here, create a family and a space for worship for the people in this country to experience His presence. Be in prayer for them, they need it! 

On the way to worship, I had the opportunity to make a new friend (he’s a taxi driver) Though it was tough to understand him as he didn’t know much English and I don’t know any Arabic, we made it work. It was funny because he kept pulling over to try to use his phone so that we could understand each other, and even to take a selfie with me! Needless to say, I was late to practice but it was worth it. He shared about his belief in muhammad (btw, that is his name lol) and I shared with Him about Jesus. We exchanged numbers and hopefully before we leave, more opportunities will be opened to share love with him! Either way, I know Jesus was in that car and he could FEEL Gods love for Him! 

After service, the band was playing some more worship songs and I loved just hanging out with them. My creative juices were flowing and I told them lets be creative, just start playing your own music and we will freestyle it up. I asked who could rap, and prince jumped all over it! Then I got to do my own freestyle with a new song I wrote.
Below are the videos and the pictures of my new friends and our freestyle worship to the Lord. It was so FUN!!! I literally don’t want to leave this country now, I’ve had the BEST time with them and our new family; Pastor Ed and his wife Anita! They are amazing 🙂 


“Take my heart, Take my life, as a living sacrifice, all my dreams, all my plans, Lord I place them in your hands. I give myself away” -William McDowell

After singing this song (which has become a new favorite) we watched a young woman Esther get baptized and give herself away to God! What a beautiful moment, dying to yourself and being raised to a new life!! 

This song echoes in my heart about the life that I have been given and the moment when I decided to give myself away to the lover of my soul, when my life became no longer my own but His. That I get to have this beautiful love relationship with Him. This is my hearts cry, that I will continue to surrender my life as a living sacrifice for Him and for the people that He brings around me.