Countdown to home: 6 days.  

Yes, I am freaking out slighty. Anxieties, excitements and hopes, and fears. As I think back on my life the last year, I can’t really believe all of things I have gotten to see and experience. It’s hard to explain a lot of the things I have adapted to and experienced. Moving countries and continents and adapting to cultural norms have been my life.

A year away from your home, culture, and loved ones can mess you up in the social skills department. I found this “manual” a prior world racer developed a to help prepare you for some of my weirdness In readapting back to America. Enjoy!

1. Speaking English. At this it’s very broken and almost impossible to write. This week alone our team made comments such as “I need to member [remember] and “You much really need to bring your Bible.” Also, don’t be surprised we speak very slowly. For example introductions now sound like “Helloooo! My name is Aye-Drew-Awnaaa I am from A-mare-a-ca. Whaat is YOUR nayme?!”

2. Unusual social skills. You may notice that instead of the usual up and down head nod, we move our heads from side to side. Thank you, India. Instead of saying waving hello, we may put our hands together and bow to you. Thank you, Thailand. Instead of a quick pat hug, we may kiss you on both cheeks. Thank you, Central America. While all of you may be wearing summer attire, we may be wearing leggings with shorts on top because we are afraid of showing skin. Modest is hottest.

3. Shopping. If you join us on a shopping trip you may observe us walk to the cashier, and stop while we try to figure out which currency to use and the exchangerate. We will really need your help in the grocery store as we’re not used to shopping and cooking for only one person. Please be patient as we try to calculate portion sizes and what fits into a $4 a day budget. Also, we will appreciate it if you remind us that we no longer have to eat rice, pasta, eggs, canned tuna or oatmeal. And you can’t forget about…

4. …Sticker shock. It may take us a while to spend money on well, just about anything. We can only imagine moments where we proclaim, “Shoot! $1 can only buy me a McDonald’s icre-cream cone? It bought a whole meal in Thailand!” Yep. Everything will probably seem overpriced and not worth it to us, but we’ll get there.

5. Speaking without translation. For most of the Race, we have spoken to people through translators. Therefore, don’t find it odd if we speak to you in small, basic English level sentences. We may also pause often as we wait for what we said to be translated and figure out what we are going to say next. We may also find it overwhelming that we understand and can read and pronounce everything around us. So bear with us as we realize we don’t have to pull out our translation apps or dictionaries.

6. Alone Time. Considering we spent 11 months with 5 other peope, 24/7, we had to create a new definiton of “alone time.” So, if you walk into a room and we put headphones, don’t be offended. It’s our way saying “I’m not here right now. I cannot hear a word your saying, nor do I want to.” So, since we’ve haven’t been alone in 11 months, don’t be surprised if we just show up at your house, packed and ready to go for a full day of activities. And don’t pull out the headphones, we know that trick. So, say goodbye to alone time as you know it!

7. Our Fashion. “It actually matters if my clothes match? I have to choose an outfit? I have more than 3 shirts?!” We’ve lived through a hodge podge of cultures and fashion styles. We don’t quite know what fits together or what’s “stylish.” We now have our own definition of “swag.”

8. We take praying over everything seriously.You have a headache? Let’s pray about it! You just got a job? Let’s thank God for it! Yes, our team prays about everything, all the time, in all places. So. Don’t be surprised if you feel a hand on your foot and us praying after you casually express discomfort. Or if you’re taking too long to offer us prayer, we may just grab your hand, place it on us and say “pray for me!”

9. Celebrity Complex. Don’t be surprised if we stop and pose for pictures every once and a while. We’re used to the papparazzi! We may also get depressed because we’re no longer “cool foreigners”. We’re just not that important anymore. Sigh.

10. Wi-Fi. While visiting your house, we might ask. “What’s the password to your wi-fi?” “How much time do I get?” “Do I have to purchase an entree?” While on the Race, we don’t connect often. So, a search for wi-fi might end up in a pizza you don’t want, ice-cream you don’t need, and frustration as the “free wi-fi” only has one bar and last 30 minutes. You might need to put your ear-plugs in at the scream when we realize how fast it is to watch a You-Tube clip, upload a photo, or download a song. What could take one month may only take a few seconds in your home. Guard your wi-fi, we’re coming for it!

11. Household Items. “Is that a couch…and a recliner?!” “Oh my gosh, what a nice stove-We can make cookies! does it work?” “Wow you have a bed?!” You have water…and it gets hot?!!!” “You have a toilet!” On the Race we haven’t even seen a couch and if we have, there are 13 people on it. Also, stoves are quite hard to come by. Lastly, we’ve had too many toilet experiences to share. Between standing on some, flushing using a bucket full of water, and always being armed with toilet paper we’ve had our fair share of potty issues. So, don’t be surprised when we fall in love with your toilet. If you’re missing napkins, sugar packets, or toilet paper we may have snuck it in our bags in fear of no toilet paper or disgusting instant coffee that needed something to dilute the taste!