The sweetest Victoria Alexandra invited me to share some of my own words on her blog. I decided to share my life message that has everything to do with living in the fullness of freedom. Below is what came of it. Thanks so much, Victoria! Xx!

Jesus did 100% of what needed to be done for you to have 100% freedom from 100% of the things that you are enslaved to. There is no version of the story where Jesus only did 75% of what needed to be done for you to have 75% freedom from 75% of the things that you’re enslaved to.

I’ve lived the better part of my life in the 75%, believing that the last 25% was my responsibility to cover. Not because the cross was insufficient, but because I was unworthy of its all-sufficiency.

In John 8, the religious people bring the woman caught in adultery to the temple, but Jesus refuses to condemn her for what she’s done. Instead, He says some words to convict them, then patiently waits as every last accuser walks away. When no one is left but Jesus and the woman, He looks at her with lovesickness in his eyes and asks, “Who condemns you now?” 

“No one, Lord.” 

“You’re right, and neither do I condemn you. Now go and sin no more.”

Those parting words will ring in my spirit for the rest of eternity as a token of the Father’s character. He said that I could go and sin no more. He said that I could live in 100% freedom from 100% of the things that I’m enslaved to.  Because it turns out that’s what sin truly is—it’s enslavement to earthly things. It’s a heavenly desire that’s satisfied by an earthly pleasure. And he said that the fullness of freedom is available. 

The catch, however, is that your flesh will continue to excuse you from freedom because it’s entirely willing to operate outside of the all-encompassing resurrection. Ten times out of ten, it’s more convenient to satisfy earthly pleasures and receive forgiveness than it is to use self control to step into freedom. It will always be easier to remind yourself of your humanity than it is your holiness.

The reality is that discipline won’t free you. Fasting and reading and doing will never free you, because you’ll never be able to fast and read and do enough. Discipline wasn’t ever intended to satisfy the last 25%, but to be an overflow from Jesus’ perfect 100%.