Whats happening on Adri’s Mission Trip?


In the past blog, when I was trying to fundraise money the Lord really made a miracle. He put all the right people that I needed to reach and they help me stayed on this long term mission trip. This 11 month mission trip take place in 11 different countries. Each country is different but really special to me. Scuatie patied are involve ,eating in the streets and sleeping on floors is part of what we do as a daily basis but more important sharing who Christ is and plant a seed or even experience the change and desire of what Jesus can do.  I want to share with you a couple of my more meaningful stories, one from each country so far. 


Ministering in the ghetto

This month was so awesome. We lived in the ghetto, literally “the ghetto”. We try to reach as many kids and adults that lived around us and invite them to Sunday School and to all the activities and skits we have for them and to English classes. One of my favorite experiences was to be able to teach Enlish classes. I completely love it! I love to teach and I believe God gave me a gift for that and I do it with so much joy. During that time we get to share our testimonies and talk about the Gospel. It was my favorite.




Ministering to houses

This month we stay in different 3 different houses.  The house that most impacted my life was my second house. Why? Because they wanted a change not only in their families house they want a change for their kids friends and for Japan. My second homestay they choose to make a change in their lifes. Even though is hard to be a Christian in Japan because they are literally non they decided that was the best for them. Me and Rocky encourage them to always seek about Jesus, to read the Bible and most important to pray. I know that my stayed their make a difference and challenge them to seek who Jesus is.






Currently I am in Malaysia. This month we partner with Real Love Ministry Church.

We are Evangelizing in the streets and inviting people to the church in the mornings. During the afternoons we get to go to an Orphanage and teach the kids how to read, write, teach them Christian values, play games and encourage the people who work in there share the Love of Jesus. During the evening we have dance practice and choir practice. We are dancing for depth people so we get to learn sign language and tell them the good news in a song. Also we are singing carolines in orphanages, hotels and malls. So far  this month is a busy and hot month but I am loving it, specially the orphanage does kids deserve love, and they deserve the love of Jesus Christ. 


Right now I know that this is what Jesus wants me to do, to keep spreading his kingdom more and more. But for me to be able to do this, I actually need your help in prayer and finances. Is this something God has put on your heart to do? I do think that asking people for financial help is really awkward, but sometimes God asks us to do things that we are not comfortable with to help us rely more on Him. Jesus gave us this example when He had supporters here during His earthly ministry. By partnering with others in ministry we can advance God’s kingdom.


Currently I am really behind in my finances and have 10 days to raise $2000. That is a lot of money, but it’s not too much for Him. If you sense that God wants you to give, just click here. Please do not feel pressured in any way. Jesus is my Provider.  If He wants me to stay with this ministry He will make a way.


May God bless you for all of your prayers and support!

Adri Montero