Hi guys, I am in Peru right now.


I love it. I am living in a very poor area called Trujillo. It is really pretty in here. We are staying in a School that is owned by Savage Ministries. This ministry is awesome, really. They are helping the kids to get to know Jesus more and more. We are obviosly really involve in this ministry and is not only what they are doing. They provide education for kids that can’t afford it going to a private or public school. They provide all their books and food.  


I wanted to share with y’all what I’ve been doing for the past few days!


First week was awesome. On Monday it was our off day, so they took us sandboarding which was pretty awesome. I did good but everytime I went down I felt that I was surfing. It was funny! The next day We had Vacation Bible School. Which I love. Me and my team were able to prepare everymorning a skit for the kids, we work on different stories like Daniel and the Lions, Jonah &the whale, Noah & the ark( which was definitly the kids favorite, they all become animals for the skit ) and finally David & Goliath,which I was so happy, because we have Zach in our team andhe was Goliath and he is 6,7 ft tall just imagine, thekids love it. I was able to narrate the skits in spanish. That same week we went to this awesome church called ElYoSoy and Jake was preaching and I was translating for him. It went good and they really enjoy the message, after the message we play some games with them.

 Second week, my day off we spend it on the beach. I love it because a couple of people from my squad got baptized and Zach from my team was baptized. After that we all just enjoy the beach and obviosly I surf with a wet suit.. YIKES!!! After my day off we work a lot. this week we are working in the kitchen. I always forget how much work it takes to cook for 45 people. It takes a couple of hours. Specially when we only have a super small kitchen. It was so much fun to be able to serve our team in this way. 

This past week Its been really awesome to see how God works through people who are available to him. Me and my whole squad probably pray over more than 100 people, just this week and not only pray for them, we’ve lead people to Christ. We did several ministries, we went to the jail and pray for people. Also we went and share about the Gospel in several high schools.I was so happy about it. I love doing that so much! We did the Everything skit several times. Is such a powerful skit. Every time that me and my team presented the people get it so well, and the fact that they want to change because of what they just saw it means that it is powerful.God is working in my life in such a powerful way really. I wish I could have more time and GOOD internet so that I could share more. I wanted to post this blog since last week but it didnt work. Internet really sucks! I love you people!!!   

Thankyou people for supporting me in this amazing adventure. I really love God. God definitly has a pourpose for me, right now  and is during the World Race. I apply for the World Race because I wanted to share Christ. I wanted to see the world and let people see that it doesnt matter what country you are or what church you go you can still serve the same God, and believe me Ive seen it in month 2. I am so happy and blessedby God in this moment.  


This is me sharing about the Gospel.

Youth Group!!  Time to have fun & share abobut Christ..yes!