So I figured I'd talk about some of the means of transportation throughout the year on this thing we call the race..

Walking while pulling a wheeled cart behind you
Bicycle (pikipiki)
Bicycle taxi, which is a nice way to race other bikes..
Dirtbike (bodaboda)

Tikitiki-three wheeled dirtbike
Dirtbike with four people on it
Dirtbike with extended cab that should fit two-alas fits four. Plus the two behind the driver and the sometimes one standing on the back.
Car that shouldn’t run, but miraculously somehow still does.
Minivan with the trunk open carrying more people in extended seats
SUV with 6 white adults and 9 filipino babies.
SUV with seats in the trunk-like a safari but not for a safari-would have come in handy on our ‘safari’..
Mutatu (minivan type public transportation)
Mutatu with 8 extra people in it

Jeepney (old WW2 tank used for public transportation in the Philippines)

Public transportation: the schedule: Africa: when the bus is full it will leave. If it is not full, you may wait hours. But it cannot move unless it is full
            Asia: it leaves at the exact appointed time, hope you’re on it, and will be there at the exact appointed time. Long trip buses in Africa are ‘different’ than buses in Asia..they give you snacks, water, blankets and toilets in Asia. Africa does not and will not stop under any circumstance, common practice to ride with animals (usually live chickens, occasional goat).
Back of truck-fulllll
Random back of truck-hope it’s going where you want to go..
Truck with built in sideways seats in the bed-seats 6-8 so 15 depending on the hills
Three wheeler
Tuk-tuk (dirtbike with an added cab-comfortable for four, good for six so fits 12)

Church van
Train-go for the sleepers, they change your life..
Horse and buggy

Space is the most important non-issue throughout the world. No matter where you go, you cram, get comfortable..never underestimate the amount of people you can fit in a vehicle. Roads are a relative term, some are really just cleared paths, some aren’t even cleared..It is not assumed that you will ever have the right of way, and you should most definitely assume they will hit you if you are in their way, even if you aren’t in their way, they still might hit you. Every car, van, truck, or makeshift automobile must come equipped with a horn that must be used multiple times daily, no matter what, no questions asked. Any animal that you have that you need to transport, you can take it with you, no matter the country no matter the animal. If you get pulled over, bribing is a must..