It has been good but hard to see the women and men here this month. When you are with them seeing it with your own eyes, you cannot say it doesn’t happen. Unfortunately I have not seen much else of Thailand, although I know it is not full of prostitution, it is what I will probably always associate it with. I don’t see why there is such a market for these women and why there are so many here, but they keep coming..

"Prostitution should be condemned because it encapsulates the very worst of human failings: the exploitation of the weakest; the power of money; the superficiality of appearance; men’s abuse of power; and the categorization of women according to their sexual utility and their relationships to men."
A quote from sex slaves by louise brown

During the days, we have been helping get the website updated so people can buy jewelry the ladies make, helps their income, and also putting together journals to sell.
Life Lesson: If you are around kids who have lice and they play with your hair and climb all over you, you will get lice. Don’t just assume it is the cheap shampoo you bought from Africa that makes your head itch; it’s lice. Don’t take the attitude I did in saying ‘well there’s nothing I can do about it now I’ll just wait till I’m not around it anymore then start shampooing..’ because that’s how you get an infestation. That’s how I got one anyway. These dang bugs refuse to die and after countless shampooings and comb throughs and sheet washings, the bugs are finally on the fritz, but it’s been an itchy battle. I always thought you cannot see lice, that you can only see the eggs..well when you let them get huge by eating your scalp they are visible and violate your head like its nobodies business. It’s been rough. So don’t do what I did, first sign of itchiness get it checked..
Money: I have until February 1st to raise $941, which is the only bit left I need to be fully funded. Everyone on my squad has that deadline also, and a couple people still need about half their money; so if you feel the need to give money to the Y squad, that would be awesome. Some people are already fully funded, but a lot of people are less than $2000 away from their deadlines.
I got to see an elephant-FINALLY, I might have freaked out..yet to ride one, but hopefully next month. It’s halfway done half way to go, so of course I’ve been thinking a lot about home and what was and what will be light at the end of the tunnel yet or even the beginning, just stuck in the middle. Beach, oh I missed you and love you and glad we got to spend so much time together this month, I am truly grateful for everything you bring. Family and friends I miss you and love you but I am here and I am happy.