I’m going to let you in on an intimate part of my life right now. I’m struggling.


I’m struggling to understand how to give my life to God.


Yes, I know I’ve given these eleven months to commit to serving God’s kingdom, but I still make it about me. Each day I find myself thinking selfishly. I look to the future and try to figure out how I can serve God AND get the desires of my heart.


I focus on past hurts.


I focus on past sins.


I focus on myself.


I want God to be the ONLY THING THAT MATTERS.


Is that obtainable?

Is that within reach?


These past hurts have already been healed.

These past sins have already been forgiven.

I know that living for myself isn’t the answer.


So what is the answer?

How do I draw nearer to my Creator?


As I am typing this, my team is worshipping together and my teammate spoke over us that we can “rest in the current of God’s Love”. (God your timing is beautiful! Thank you for that truth because I didn’t know exactly how to answer the question I just typed!) We can let Him take us to the depths that He has created us to be in with him.


We started to sing “A Little Longer” and it couldn’t be put more beautifully. At the beginning of the song it is about everything that I would do for God, but God tells us something that brings so much relief:


“You don't have to do a thing 
Just simply be with me 
and let those things go
'Cause they can wait another minute
Wait, this moment is too sweet 
Would you please stay here here with me
And love on me a little longer”


Thank you, Father, that there’s nothing that I need to do for You besides be with you!