My team worked at a high school in Albania for our ministry in February. We held a Bible study and asked them “Who is God to you?”


These were their responses:


“I think God is everything in my life.”


(My personal favorite:)

“When I was little I remember playing in the water. It was in the summer and I was cold. And the sun warmed me up. God is like the sun warming me up.”


“God in my life is everything. I can’t change the love I have for God… He made everything for me. The love God has for me I don’t understand because it’s more more more.”


“It is everything. It the happiness, the sadness, the joy. I love God more than every single thing. I compare it with my family and things. He brought me to my family and things. It is infinite.”


 “I ask this question many times. The source of my strength. Where I find strength. I start the day… I think what would I be without God?… I wouldn’t change him for any other thing in the world. I don’t really know how to define it because there isn’t a definition.”


“God is life. Being alive. Having a point.”



Many of these kids have families that don’t agree with their faith. Yet, at the ages of 14-18, they are fighting for their personal relationship with God.


Back home, we are caught in a place of comfort. We go to church, say we trust in God, say we love God with everything we have, but can we describe who God is to us like these kids did on the spot? People are so quick to argue against the false claims of their Creator via social media, but are they able to explain who this is that they argue for? 


So, as we asked the students, I will ask you… 


Who is God to you?