Today has been a crazy day of ups and downs. After the realization of being financially independent from my parents is quickly approaching in May, my mind began racing with worries and doubts. As if $15,500 isn't daunting enough, I need to find money to travel to and from training camp this summer and for purchasing all of the gear I will need on the race.

I have been so incredibly blessed with parents who have supported me financially through college. As long as I stayed in school and passed my classes they promised to provide me with everything I need and a little extra. It might sound a bit bratty, but I feel so lucky to have glided through life without having to worry too much about money up until this point. I would say I am a saver when it comes to my money though. I am very math minded and my parents enstilled in my brothers and I from a very young age what the value of a dollar was. 

Now that graduation is just over two months away, I began to think about plans for this summer. It's hard enough asking y'all for the money to go on the race, but to ask for additional money on top of that seems excessive. I started looking around my room to see how much I could sell my paintings and decorations for. My current and past roommates know about my weakness when it comes to decorating. I might not go shopping for clothes for half a year, but if I stop in Pier One, this girl is getting SOMETHING. As my head was spinning and doubts of whether or not I should even go on the Race were going through my mind, I tweeted out a message asking if anyone knew of any positions available in my hometown or in College Station. Within minutes I got two responses about summer long opportunities at churches here in College Station! Immediately following that I had a friend that randomly came over. As I vented to her she assured me of her ability to get me a seasonal summer job with where she works! It was as if God was telling me, "Stop worrying, Addison! I got this."

Silly little me didn't listen. 

Once I made it home from a test I began looking up gear online and the cost of necessities such as a backpack, tent, sleeping bag, etc. Because I will be gone for 11 months, I don't want to skimp on the quality of my equipment. The list kept growing and the total price kept increasing. I got overwhelmed and quickly left the website. For one reason or another I happened to go to the WR website. On their home page there is a preview of recent blog posts that have been released. I saw a post that read "Free Gear for You, the Future World Racer", and of course was intrigued by the clever title someone put on their blog to get people to read it. I realized I was completely wrong about it just being a catchy blog name once I started reading the post. Chinny was supposed to go on the July '13 route and her world was rocked now that the Lord has her staying in the DFW area. She had already began purchaing equipment and has a $270 backpack along with other gear that is now sitting in a closet, brand stinkin' new

I messaged her immediately expecting a "Sorry, I've already had fifteen people ask me about it." Surprisingly she had not, and is giving the backpack and daypack FOR FREE! For the second time today, God has reaffirmed His plan for me to be on the WR. After I doubted his plan for my next year and a half, He was telling me that He has it under control even though I don't. I am more than okay with that! 

"You have dealt well with your servant,
Lord, according to your word."
-Psalms 119:65

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
-Jeremiah 29:11