My name is Addika Martin. Originally from Beeville, Texas, I am a sophomore Business Management major at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas, graduating on the Non-Profit Management track. Before you go any further, I want to share 3 debatably fun facts about myself!

1. I just had the opportunity to go on a mission to Puerto Rico this spring break!! BEST coffee! (Even though I’m really half Mexican-American, I’m convinced there’s some percentage of Puerto Rican in here somewhere!). This picture was taken on our walk to our house for the week!

 Adjuntas, Puerto Rico

2. While at Texas A&M, I get to serve alongside about 100 of my best friends in this lovely organization called Christian Business Leaders! They are the best college family and the genuine love for Christ in this community is so encouraging! Here”s a good number of us in Puerto Rico at a coffee farm, (told ya, BEST coffee): 

3. I had the opportunity to travel to ISREAL this past January! Here’s me and the CUTEST camel around, (I don’t know his name, so we’ll call him Jeff), overlooking Jerusalem: 

Anyway, if you ever want to know anything else, feel free to ask! (You can do that in the Contact section of this website). 

I want to talk a little bit about why I applied for this mission. You see, I have been known of and been interested in Adventures in Missions for about four years, now. Recently, I realized that after the first summer class term at Texas A&M, I have a free two month period until the fall semester starts again. As I’ve prayed and thought intently about how I can best utilize that free time, I was drawn to do some research on the AIM website. That’s when I initially came in contact with this trip, and I was drawn to it, specifically, to the work we will be doing. This mission is an amazing opportunity to offer the beautiful and eternal hope, peace, and joy I’ve found in the Savior as an “earthen vessel” filled with the treasure of the gospel. The gospel is for everyone, everywhere and I have been empowered by the the Holy Spirit, (Acts 1:8), and by the authority I have in Christ (Matthew 28:18), to share it. I am honored to take part in this mission because I know that I’ll be actively serving God and serving people.