This week, a portion of my team and I had the opportunity to travel from Lima, to Cusco, to Hidroelectrica, to Machu Picchu. There were SO MANY exciting, uncertain, and downright “did this just happen?” moments. As I sit on a bus for the next 22 hours or so, I thought it wise to reflect on the last few days, and to share some of my favorite moments: 

  1. You read that correctly. 22 hours. The excursion startedwith a 22 hour bus ride to Cusco, directly followed by a seven hour van ride to a town called Santa Teresa. While I know that sounds daunting, it was actually extremely fruitful. You reallyget to know a person that you’ve spent 29 hours next to in a box! I’ve loved the deep conversations I’ve been able to have with my team this week!! Hearing their hearts and passion for the advancement of the Kingdom has inspired me so much more than they probably realize.
  2. Upon reaching Hidroelectrica round 5:30am Tuesday morning, we began the hike. THE hike. It took about 2 1/2 hours to get to the base of Machu Picchu and then about an additional 1 1/2 hour to reach the entrance. I HIGHLY recommend trekking in the dark and pouring rain, it builds LOADS of character! (I’m talking every part of your body and backpack is soaked kind of character). Despite having every opportunity to complain: extremely sore feet and muscles, very wet clothes and belongings, lack of sleep, etc. There was such joy in the journey. Because of the journey, I saw some of THE most beautiful sights I have ever seen, I had incredibly growing and fruitful conversations, and I laughed more than I have in a long time.
  3. The Mach. Before this month, I had really never thought about this wonder of the world. I never thought of visiting it, or otherwise. Today, I stand so grateful to the Lord for leading me there anyway. It was more beautiful than I could even describe in words. I found myself dumbfounded at how I know and have a personal relationship with the God who hand carved those mountains. I can even hear Him now saying, “I made you even more beautiful.” He makes beautiful things, friend. He made you. 

All in all, I can’t begin to express my gratitude in being here this week, every moment. From hopping hostels, to holding baby goats, to legitimately not sleeping, to petting llamas, and so much more. 

Let me tell you, friend, God has bigger plans for you than you have for yourself. If you would trust in Jesus and set your hopes and dreams before Him, I PROMISE you, He will knock your socks off with the scary, fun, awesome things you get to do with Him. I never asked for this trip, but He brought me here and I’m enjoying every minute. 

P.S. Four days until we return to America. Seven days until I see Texas again. That is C R A Z Y. 

Please consider helping me pray for the following: 

  • The success and fruitfulness of our final ministry days
  • Against any distractions, burnouts, or mental check-outs during ministry 
  • A safe and smooth team travel back to Atlanta (gotta love customs!! lol) 
  • A beneficial and God-honoring final team debrief in Atlanta 
  • A safe and smooth travel process for me back to Texas


Thank you for reading, friend. I’m praying for you. 

  • “Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.” -Ephesians 3:20-21 •