I woke up this morning and I was worshiping and praising God for His glorious attributes. Then this word came to me: master, and I just stated “Lord, You’re my Master.” I reflected on it for a minute and realized that if I were to view God as my Master that His commands are no longer suggestions or nice little phrases.
I mean we’ve all probably heard the phrase “Dance like no one is watching…” there’s more to it but I think that gets to the point pretty well. What does that really mean? Ok, so let’s say you do it and you have a sense of freedom afterward, but are you better for it? Has your character developed? Is anyone else positively impacted by this dance?
The Lord’s commands are FOR us but they also move beyond us. If I view the Lord as my Master then I have to get rid of the modern notion that I am a free woman who can do whatever want whenever I want to (and I think this restraint is a great thing that I don’t always implement for myself). Now the awesome part about our Lord is that He is a very gracious Master. When I mess up – do my own dance regardless of any commands – the Master I serve is there willing to forgive me if I repent.
Our Father takes it even further and says, “Alright, you messed up but I’m not going to punish you. You are mine and I have every right to punish you. But my Son, Jesus, has offered to take your punishment instead.” God is a just God and we are made in His image. Our sense of justice comes from the Lord, and in this case my conscience is screaming that this is unjust and that Jesus shouldn’t have to bear my sins, even though this is to my benefit. So where does that leave me? I am responsible for my actions but someone else is taking the punishment when I sin. For me, at this time, it leaves me on my knees thanking the Lord Jesus Christ for His sacrificial love and begging the Father to fill me with the Holy Spirit and teach me to be more like His Son so that I can stop sinning against Him.