So I typed this up on Sunday 10/3/10 at…well I’m not sure what time it was or what timezone we were in, but I do know that we were in El Salvador after taking the red eye flight from Los Angeles and connecting through El Salvador to Guatemala. So this is what I typed in the airport:

Sitting in an airport in El Salvador waiting to get on the flight to Guatemala. I arrived at LAX last night around 8:30pm and we were told to be there by 9:30pm. I was nervous when I went in to where I was told and didn’t see anyone I recognized. I didn’t have a cell phone so I ran (well that’s not accurate, I walked quickly with my huge bag) to the pay phone and had to use my credit card to use the phone (which I recently found out cost me like $9.50! yikes!). I called Alana from our team and was informed that everything was alright and that they were just another terminal away – the land of milk and honey – with food, maybe literally milk and honey, I’m not sure, and free internet access. So I sat briefly and the song that came on my ipod was “I’ll fly away” which I thought was fitting, and World Racers started to stream in. The reunion was nice. I knew I had made some friendships at camp but they seemed to be solidified when we all met up and collectively wondered what in the world we’re doing. We had a couple hours to bond because our flight wasn’t until 1:25am. We were at various stages of fatigue since we arrived to Los Angeles at various times from across the country.

The flight to El Salvador wasn’t bad. It was about four and a half hours. However, I only slept about an hour or so. My eyes are nice and red as I’m typing this. I’m hoping for sleep when we arrive but I’ll blog about that shortly to let you know…

P.S. I have a photobucket account called addieweaver and the pictures are listed as public so you should be able to view them. I will do my best to take as many pics as I can and to upload them regularly. Plus, I’m not sure, but you may need to create a username and password at to view the pics.