Sitting in an airport in El Salvador waiting to get on the flight to Guatemala. I arrived at LAX last night around 8:30pm and we were told to be there by 9:30pm. I was nervous when I went in to where I was told and didn’t see anyone I recognized. I didn’t have a cell phone so I ran (well that’s not accurate, I walked quickly with my huge bag) to the pay phone and had to use my credit card to use the phone (which I recently found out cost me like $9.50! yikes!). I called Alana from our team and was informed that everything was alright and that they were just another terminal away – the land of milk and honey – with food, maybe literally milk and honey, I’m not sure, and free internet access. So I sat briefly and the song that came on my ipod was “I’ll fly away” which I thought was fitting, and World Racers started to stream in. The reunion was nice. I knew I had made some friendships at camp but they seemed to be solidified when we all met up and collectively wondered what in the world we’re doing. We had a couple hours to bond because our flight wasn’t until 1:25am. We were at various stages of fatigue since we arrived to Los Angeles at various times from across the country.