Hello Family, Friends, and Other World Racers!
Welcome to my blog! I plan on embarking on a journey that will take me to 11 countries in 11 months. I plan on serving God and serving others. I hope to grow in my faith and share the Gospel with those who are hurting.
I am taking a huge step of faith right now and am trusting that I will be able to raise $14,300 so that I am able to attend this trip. This is where you come in…I need your support. If you feel called to give financially I pray that you will follow that call. If you feel called to support me in prayer, I pray that you will spend that quiet time with the Lord. I’m not sure how Our Heavenly Father is going to work this out, but I have faith.
I have made Mark 10:45 my life verse: “Even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and give His life as ransom for many.” I want to serve out of my joy in Christ.

Please feel free to leave any questions or comments, especially if you have any questions about my faith, I would love to speak with you!

I will be going to 11 of these 15 locations.


A country rich in history and natural resources – fertile soil from the volcanos help yield excellent coffee – Guatemala is the perfect place to initiate your World Race experience. Outside of its aesthetic appeal, it is a country in desperate need of God’s touch. Gripped by poverty and bound to a spirit of religion, the people of Guatemala are hungering to see the kingdom of God invade their lives. World Racers radically change the atmosphere in which they find themselves. You’ll have the opportunity to usher in the kingdom to this land and people in the form of relationships through incarnational ministry (read: living just as they do), reaching out to the people in the fringes of society, hard work, and maybe even a miracle or two.


This location is always a World Race favorite. It’s a country full of wonderfully warm and caring people, and participants always leave having had a powerful experience. However, hopelessness, addictions, destitution, and poverty still plague the many lives of Nicaragua. There are orphans who have grown up without knowing the love of a parent and families who get by each day by scrounging scraps from the city dump where they have made their homes. In Nicaragua, you’ll have the opportunity to bring God’s love through slum ministry, door-to-door outreach, outreach to children, and more.


With a rich history dating back to time of the Incas and an enthralling, vibrant landscape – ever heard of the Andes Mountains? Peru is a land full of wonder and epic stories. It’s also a country in need of experiencing God’s goodness and understanding what it means to have a relationship with the Creator. Many natives still dabble in traditional religious practices and idolatry, but God is up to something in this country. The Peruvian church is becoming thirstier for the truth and authentic spiritual breakthrough. Its political past has been riddled with violence from the likes of the Shining Path guerrilla and Alberto Fujimoto’s presidency, from which both the indigenous poor and urban affluent alike are recovering. Your time here may include moments in the jungle – perhaps a visit to the Macchu Picchu – as well as life in the metropolis. This is one country you won’t forget… especially if you drink the water.


Bolivia is one of the most beautiful places in the world. It’s also one of the most indigenous countries in South America; the current president is the first indigenous people group member in office. And with all of that variety comes a lot of opportunity. Bolivia is in need of orphan ministry, evangelistic outreach, church plants, and more. You might find yourself working in the heart of the rainforest or on the streets of a city market. Regardless, be prepared for a fantastic experience.


Roughly 30 years ago, Cambodia experienced one of the most gruesome genocides known to humanity, in which over one-third of the country’s population was slaughtered. Still in recovery from their past, the people of Cambodia are thirsty for hope and yearning for a message of forgiveness and reconciliation. Part of your ministry here will be to act as a living example of the freedom Christ can bring through orphanage ministry, teaching in schools, street outreach, and more.


With nearly two million people estimated to be stuck inside of prostitution in Thailand, it has become one of the most popular places for sex tourism. Change lives in the city and rock worlds in the countryside. Thailand’s sure to capture your heart.


Host of the 2008 Summer Olympics and home to 1.3 billion people, China is known for its grandness, not just in land mass and population. While the Han Chinese comprise the largest people group, there are over fifty minority groups, including the Uighurs, a people without a country. Due to the legacy of Mao’s Cultural Revolution, Communism is not just a political system, it is almost the state religion. Speaking of which, depending on where you are, you may meet Buddhists, Muslims, and Taoists; there are even churches – government approved and regulated. The exact size of the underground church is unknown (hence the name), but what it is known is that it is large and still growing, thriving even in the midst of persecution. While there, you’ll have to pay homage to the Great Wall, and bring light and hope to a people in darkness and depression. How you’ll do that exactly – you’ll find out once you get there. 😉


This Asian island nation, once a Spanish colony and an American protectorate, is a country in tension, trying to cross the threshold between the third and first world. It offers a variety of landscapes – beaches, mountains, volcanic lakes – and languages, with Tagalog as the national tongue. The Catholic Church is a substantial piece of the religious pie, however, Islam is growing in the island of Mindinao. The Filipino people and culture love music and dance and community. While there, you may find yourself living with and giving hope to the destitute, caring for orphans, and challenging the growing number of Christ-followers to rise up.


With nearly a sixth of the world’s population within its borders, India is a country bursting with people and culture. Moreover, it has a diverse array of religious beliefs from Hinduism, to Islam, to a blend of folk religions and other faiths. While the country is on the edge of full economic development, it’s still stricken with poverty and privy to the crimes of human trafficking, forced prostitution, religious persecution, and more. So what will you do in India? Change it from the inside out.

Pioneer Southeast Asia

Ask God where to go and do what He tells you. It’ll be one of the most adventurous and memorable months of ministry that you’ll have on the Race. What kind of noodles will you feast on – pad thai or pho? You may visit Thailand, Cambodia, or Vietnam, maybe even a few countries uncharterd by the World Race. God could lead you anywhere to unveil His kingdom. Are you willing to abandon this month on the Race to Him? Are you willing to walk by faith and less by sight? Wherever He leads this month, obey. God usually knows what He’s doing…

South Africa

Our generation has grown to associate Nelson Mandela with South Africa. While it’s been several decades since apartheid has formally ended, there is more healing to be had and reconciliation to take place. South Africa is one of the wealthiest on the continent yet much of the population, who live outside the cities, is poor. And like the rest of sub-Saharan Africa, this country struggles with a high rate of AIDS/HIV. Host to the 2010 World Cup, and breathtaking natural attractions, it is also a place full of kingdom potential, waiting to be released – by you.


The Kingdom of Swaziland is one of the last remaining monarchies in Africa. Home to 1.1 million people and a landscape that will take your breath away, it’s also home to the highest HIV/AIDS infection rate in the world (26.1% in adults and over 50% of adults in their 20s). It’s estimated that by 2050, this country won’t even exist. Young orphans are scattered throughout this nation that is in desperate need of attention. For years, AIM has been committed to seeing these statistics reversed. Here, you will most likely find yourself involved a variety of outreaches: education, orphan care, feedings, and more.


This is one of the most beautiful countries in the continent of Africa. This is a favorite location of the World Race for a variety of reasons (the people, beautiful landscape, ministry partnerships, and more). Although the stronghold of poverty grips this nation, Mozambique is seeing signs of redemption and economic recovery. Due to this extreme poverty – or perhaps in spite of it – the church is growing, as well. This month on the Race, you will be teaching, preaching, practicing “true religion” with widows and orphans, and more. You may also probably have one of your most memorable travel “days” here. You’ll find out what we mean soon enough.


Almost 85% of Botswana is desert. The country is roughly the size of Texas, but it is packed with a lot of wealth for a sub-Saharan nation. Over 1.5 million people make their home here, but so does the AIDS virus. In fact, Botswana has the second highest infection rate in the world (next to Swaziland). This month, you’ll most likely do the kind of “traditional” missions work people have in mind – preaching and teaching (no seminary degree necessary!), as well as working with orphans, and more. Come prepared to bring God’s kingdom to Botswana!


Known as “the warm heart of Africa,” Malawi is definitely a place that you visit to ignite yourself with the fire of God. This country has a beautiful landscape and an even more beautiful culture and population.
This month, you’ll be helping plant churches, raising up leaders, and infecting the people with the love of God. Chances are you won’t want to leave.