you may have noticed from pervious posts that i’m not great at blogging and i’m noticing i’m having quite a few technical difficulties. here’s another one! i want to add more blog posts, but then they become the first thing you see on my site when you check out it (probably why you are reading this post right now). if this is your first time visiting my blog please read my post entitled “Praise the Lord” or the “About me” section and it will give you a little more of an idea of what’s going on.
all that said: i’m looking forward to a fundraiser! i met phillip khamoua from my team recently (he lives in lakeville which isn’t too far away from me) and he has allowed me to be “featured” i guess in his benefit to raise money for the trip. it will be friday june 18 from 7pm-1am in shakopee at turtle’s bar. there will be a silent auction, meat raffle, arts and crafts to buy, a cake walk, a dj and dancing later in the evening, and phil and i will probably auction ourselves off for a couple hours (we cook, clean, you name it – but let’s keep it holy). if you’re not doing anything that evening we would love to have you come out. i can send you the invitation on facebook or send you a flyer via email, either way grab a friend and come on down! there will be a $5 cover but come on, it’s for a good cause.
it has been somewhat testing on my faith to think of raising this money. i am currently reading chip ingram’s book on spiritual warfare and so i’m starting to view things from that lens. the other day i kept having the thoughts that there is no way that i will be able to raise enough money to go, that i was foolish to think i would be able to raise that much, and that i am being a burden on others by asking them to support me. i spent some quiet time with God in prayer and feel better about it but still nervous. it’s hard for me to put myself out there and to be bare in front of you and to ask for help.
i was speaking with my cousin the other day and she gave me encouragment that i was not being a burden on others since i am trying to raise money so i can serve the Lord. that stuck with me. that’s what i want it to be all about.  i want Christ to be the focus and the center, i want to allow Jesus to work through me, my daily prayer is “more of you Lord and less of me.” i have found joy and healing through Christ and i feel compelled to share that love and that hope with others.
i have been so blessed to see who has been responding to my support requests and who has been willing to support me financially and through prayer. some individuals i never expected to give and it has truly been a blessing. i was given the opportunity to share the gospel with a friend which was sparked out of a conversation about this trip. i trust our Heavenly Father is so great and so merciful and so loving and so mighty and i can’t wait to see what He has in store!