i was waiting at the atlanta airport for bruce to pick me up yesterday. i had my pack on (the largest pack i think i’ve ever worn) and so i decided to sit on the floor in one place as i waitied, due to not being able to easily move in it. i pulled out Lee Strobels’ “The Case For Christ” and started reading. i was approached by a man who commented on the fact that i was reading that. he pulled a book out of his bag titled “One Thing You Can’t Do In Heaven” by Mark Cahill and asked if i had ever heard of it, to which i responded that i had not. he flipped to the bag page, showed me the picture, and told me it was him. he asked my name and signed a copy of the book to give to me. as he was signing it he asked me what was one thing i cannot do in heaven. i hadn’t really thought about it, so i stated that i didn’t know. he told me that we can’t witness to and reach the lost. his book is on evangelism, encouraging you to share you faith, offering tips on how to do so, and some of his experiences sharing his faith with famous people like Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods. he noticed my larger than life pack and asked if i was going on a missions trip, i told him that i was about to go to training camp. he asked me where it was going to be, provided his email address and offered to drive out and drop off copies of his book if anyone was interested. mark was a blessing for me that day. i wasn’t looking to share my faith or talk about Christ, but the opportunity walked right up to me since mark was bold. it was an encouragement to me and i hope that it’s an encouragment to you.