Ever since I first put it out there that I was going to be going on the World Race I have had one daily thought… How in the world am I going to raise $19,200 to go on this missions’ trip? Just thinking about that number gave me severe anxiety and made me worry about how raising that was going to be possible.

Part of preparing for the race was doing a Bible study to go along with the start of our fundraising. One section was titled “Rejecting a Spirit of Anxiety & Worry” so I immediately went to that section. One Bible passage stuck with me, but I don’t think I entirely understood it when I first read through it.

 “Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” – Philippians 4: 6-7.


I was listening to the radio the other day when a song came on and the lyrics made the verses just click in my head.


“God You don’t need me

But somehow You want me

Oh, how You love me

Somehow that frees me

To take my hands off of my life

And the way it should go

God You don’t need me

But somehow You want me

Oh, how You love me

Somehow that frees me

To open my hands up

And give You control

I give You control”


– “Control” By Tenth Avenue North


The one thing I really want from this whole experience is to get out of my comfort zone and so even though I don’t actually leave until August my World Race experience has already begun by giving up control of fundraising and letting God work. 


So the answer to my daily question “How in the world am going to raise $19,200 to go on this missions’ trip?” is quite simple. am not, but God will. Ever since, whenever I think about “$19,200” I feel at ease. So far about 20% of that total goal has been raised. There have been friends, family and even a mission’s team, from a church I haven’t attended since I was 4 years old, donate thus far and I am so incredibly thankful and feel very blessed! I cannot wait see how God continues to work throughout the rest of this fundraising process and while I am out serving on the Race.