If you havn't had a chance go and check out the first blog HERE

Here is an update. In less than 24 hours my team and I have raised $573. I'm honestly taken aback at your support! $573 is alot, but we still have a ways to go! Here is how you can help.

1. GIVE:  To give. you need a paypal account. It is very easy and very safe. Go to Paypal.com find the transfer money button on the top of the page and follow the instructions.

The email address your going to be sending your donations to is: [email protected]

Every single dollar you give will go to helping these wonderful children!

We are also talking to AIM right now about setting up a more stream lined process to help people give quicker and easier.

2. PRAY: We really feel like it was the Lord who started this dream in us and we expect Him to continue the work that He has started! Pray with anticipation that He will!

3. SPREAD THE WORD: do everything you can to share this with as many people as possible. Social media, word of mouth, emails, smoke signals… whatever it takes.


Thanks for your help!!!!!!!!