Social Justice, Broken relationships, and Postmodernism 
When you see that list of word I’m sure the question “What do these words have in common?” comes to your mind! I’m here to tell you that I think these three words and the ramification of these threes words will be the cause of the next great revival in our world! Big claims I know but let me explain.

  •  Broken relationships: It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to know that this generation has been plagued with BROKEN relationships! They/We see it in there homes. They/We see it with-in their circle of friends. They/We see it on TV, and with out a doubt they/we experience the deep pains of broken relationships ourselves. 
  • Social Justice: This/our generationCARESabout people! You can see it in our culture/Church’s! Toms Shoes. Charity water. Invisible children etc… There are countless organizations whose main purpose is to help those in need; and they are great!
  • Postmodernism: Postmodernism is just one big question mark! Postmodern thought in a nutshell says, that “truth” as we know it is relative. My “truth” as a young, middle class, white, man, from the United States cant possible be the same as a 45-year-old Muslim women from Iran! When we hear this something in us fights this thought but something also agrees with it. Its just how far do you take it!

So how does this equate to revival?

  1. Since we have seen nothing but broken relationships we long for real authentic relationships.
  2. We also Long to help people. We see a need and we do our best to help people. We just need an avenue to do so.
  3. There is just enough postmodernism in each of us to question truth claims when they are presented to us. But when we believe, we Believe deeply!

My big point is this The Church; the same Church that our generation seems to hate and tear down every opportunity we get is the Catalyst for all of the above! The Church is the place were meaningful relationships can be found! The Church can be the Hub for justice ministry! The Church can send its people and nourish their involvement in justice ministry.  And last but not least the Church can challenge “truth” as we know it, with real deep biblical truth that we can base and anchor our lives in!
I hope and pray I see the day where our generation who has known nothing but broken relationships; sees meaningful life long relationships that honor Christ!

I hope and pray I see the day when we as a generation anchor ourselves in the Truth of the Gospel!
And I hope and pray that these other 2 principles lead us to give our lives and go running into the nations with the Hope found in the Gospel, serving them in their physical and spiritual need!
Come Lord Jesus, come quickly!