Thank you for finding your way to my blog. There are a few buttons I would like you to be aware of. 

  1. Update alert: I would really really love it if you all click on this link. if you click the link and put your email address in, everytime I update my blog it will send you an email so you can keep up to date with everything thats going on!
  2. Contact me: if you have any questions that i can help awnser please use this button or leave a comment at the bottom of any of my blog posts.
  3. Support me financially: this is where you can make financial donations to help partner with me.
  4. Tell a friend: please try and share my story with one or 2 friends that you think would support me in prayer. there is nothing I would love more than an army of people petitioning the Lord on my behalf!

Thank you all, I hope you find my blog a place of information, challenge, and encouragment. 

His servant, 

Adam Smith