If you haven’t had a chance to check out my previous blogs about my God moments take a few minutes to check them out!                            Part 1: HERE                                                      Part 2: HERE

           I’m going to start of this final installment of my God moments series with some context about the 6 months leading up to the final “God moment”.
          The story starts at the beginning of the summer of 2009 were I served on staff as a camp counselor. I mentioned this is my first “God Moments” Blog.  That summer without a doubt changed the trajectory of my life! I was a normal guy and a “normal” Christian (as if that’s even possible) but that summer God put a call on my life! After serving all summer up there with the greatest group of college age students on the face of the planet, there was no doubt  that He was calling me to serve him full time with every aspect of my life!
As I went home from that summer I had ZERO idea what I was suppose to next, but through a series of crazy events (that’s a different blog all for its self) I ended up a little Christian college for a special year long youth ministry program.
            It was a awesome time in my life that I look back on with so much Joy! There were good times and there were bad times but that’s life! I meet some great people who will be life long friends and I thank God for them! I learned so much about the Lord in that season of my life! I got to sit under some great Godly men for the first time in my life. All in all it was great! But my God moment didn’t happen in a classroom. It didn’t happen by some great revelation by a friend or teacher.  If came sitting in front of my computer at 2am on a snowy January morning!
The God Moment
         I was close to the only one on campus at that time. For some reason I returned a few days early from Christmas break so there was no one to hang out with and honestly after being around the same people for a few months I welcomed a little break to myself! But I spent the day watching DVDs in the student center just relaxing. By about 10pm I was bored and I though I would call it a night. I returned to my room, took a shower and crawled into bed! 2 hours later I crawled back out of bed because I couldn't fall asleep! I proceeded to make my way back to the student center to watch another movie but for some reason, I cant remember why, I ended up on YouTube, and for another unknown reason I ended up finding a sermon posted by David Platt, who at the time I knew nothing about, but now has had probably a bigger effect on my life than any other pastor.
        The message started out with Dr. Platt quoting psalms 148,149,and 150! It was the first time in my life that I heard someone quote such a large portion of scripture from memory! It honestly blew my MIND!!! Not only had I never heard anything like that up until then but I didn’t even think it was possible!! That message, even though it was originally directed at pastors at a pastor’s conference, seemed to resonate inside of me! It stirred my spirit! Every word Dr. Platt spoke seemed to be directed right at me! The statistics broke my heart, the passion in his voice challenged me, and the Scriptures he shared convicted me! He pointed the pastors at a greater goal! Somthing bigger than there own lifes, Greater than there own churchs, or even greater than there denomination. He pointed to the Glory of God! "We have been given a mission, the question is will we accept it"? 
This is no doubt one of those "God Moments"! I entered the room one way and left a changed man!

Here are the links to the sermon! It is relatively short so it would defiantly be worth taking a look at!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

        I wish I had an opportunity to thank Dr. Platt for his faithfulness to the Word! Over the past 2ish years God has used this man in my life more than I can express yet ive only been in his Church 2 times! I’m so thankful for the Gods Grace in Dr. Platt’s life and the millions just like me God is reaching through his faithful preaching of The Word! Dr. Platt if you ever see this. Thank You!

Hoping to that in about 12 months from know ill be able to type up a God Moment Pt.4 or more!!!! God is Soooooo good to us!