There is so much that has already happened! I don’t know where to begin! 

For starters, Thank you to all who are supporting me spiritually and financially! Thank you for responding to me. I wouldn’t be able to come this far without your help! I am grateful and blessed with your gifts, conversations, and your life! I am thoroughly enjoying my time together with each of you, which I know has been an encouragement to the both of us. You’ve been teaching me much with your lives and allowing the space for me to hear about how your lives are going. I am honored to walk alongside you in times of joy and bitterness and in times of peace and hardship. Thank you for sharing with me a special moment together. There will be many more to come. You’re a blessing. 

Here are some updates with me! 

I just met my first deadline! 🙂 To be quite honest about how I’m feeling, I am beyond elated that I get to attend training camp this coming week. I thank the Lord who has been doing this support raising.

I have been surrounded with a great, loving community whom I get to continue sharing life together with! They bring me a lot of joy and a little bit of funny awkwardness. But they’re awesome! They know who they are. 

I am leading a community group during the week. I am so happy for the people I get to dive into the Word together and grow within relationship, so God can grow us spiritually. You are all truly great! I could not ask for a better group of men and women to spend my summer with.

I am partnering alongside a summer mission team with Cru throughout the week on different ministry opportunities. It has been a thrill getting to know the hearts and stories of many of them. You bring me inspiration, encouragement, and smiles 🙂

I am grateful for my family and their love expressed to me in their love language. It is because of their sincerity and the love that is within me that I am filled with joy and peace while interacting with them.

My brothers and sisters in Christ in LA and SD are amazing. Getting to spend time over the weekend with them has not only enriched my pre-race spiritual life, but also drew me closer to knowing them better or reconnecting with many whom I have admiration and appreciation for.

Prayer Requests:

My second deadline is 3 weeks after my training camp. I’m leaving for training camp this weekend, so pray I will not be worried about raising the funds during my time in camp but focus on being present in camp.

For in times of spiritual nourishment that I will soak in the encouragement I receive. So pray for me that I will be present in those times and not be absent-minded.

For loving my family and friends through actions and words and that they will notice that I care about them.

I am working on a final project for my internship which will culminate in a presentation and a paper. Pray that I work diligently and finish well. (I am not great in statistics but getting better) 


 SO WITHOUT FURTHER ADIEU, I am pumped up for TC! I haven’t been able to make fulfilling contact with my team but it’s okay because I am excited for our paths to be crossed in a couple of days!