We started sharing testimonies in my small group a few weeks ago. It's really been a cool thing to hear everyones story. To know where they came from. To know what they've come through. To hear a life's tale with the glory given to God. I love it. I use to share my story all the time. It came natural. While living in the gay subculture in America I gained a quality that most people struggle to obtain. Transparency. Blunt transparency. In that subculture anything goes and nothing is looked down upon so long as the person doing it is happy. So I let it all hang out. I got use to people seeing every side of me. Knowing EVERYTHING about me. I was the one of the most honest people you would ever meet. Of course when Jesus brought me out of that lifestyle I had to learn tact. But I was still a very open and transparent person. Especially when it came to sharing my testimony. To be honest I like watching peoples reactions when I tell them that I lived openly as a gay man for over 5 years. The looks I get are priceless. Anyway… Not the point. I love sharing my story. I love telling people all that God has done in my life. I love telling people how He saved me from a miserable never ending cycle and eternal fire. I love telling them what He gave me in place of all that I held dear. I love bragging on my Jesus. But for some time I did not have the liberty to share. God was teaching me to wait for the Ok from Him to speak so boldly. He was teaching me to be sensitive to what He is doing. It is difficult for me not to speak sometimes but I have learned (and I'm still learning) that when I wait for the God's direction things turn out much better than they would have when I just speak my mind. I've only recently been able to share my story again more openly (Thank God… for real), and I'm so excited to be able to share it with people around the world. I can't wait to see how God uses what He has already done to speak to someone. I cannot wait to share the love that God has shown me. 1 John 4:19 says that we love because He first loved us. How awesome. We wouldn't have the ability to love if it weren't for God. What an amazing adventure this will be. Sharing God's unmeasurable love with the people of the world. Wont you join me in sharing His love? Please pray for my upcoming adventure. Pray for my whole team. That we would be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and that God would use us in a mighty way everywhere we go to spread His love through the Gospel and discipleship. And please prayerfully consider partnering with me financially. I met 7% of being fully funded today and got a little taste of excitement. Excitement to get out there and share my story. To share His love. Let's do it. Let's share God's story… Let's share God's love. Together.