Hey all. I haven't done this in a while. I'm not very good at it. I have issues with writing things that I know will be seen by others. So blogging is pretty hard for me. Whoever reads this, I would appreciate prayer for it. 

So, I'm here just to update you on my progression with WR stuff. I'm very far behind. Deadlines are coming up and I am not making much progress. I'm trying to get things moving. It's just super difficult. When I decided to apply for the race I didn't know how much work it would be before launch date. There are so many little details that MUST be done or nothing can happen. Vaccinations, passport, equipment to buy, etc. Not to mention the fundraising.

I've had to raise money for trips before. But I've NEVER had to raise this much money. Considering the what I'll be gaining, $15,500 isn't that much money. It's just a lot to come up with. Some days are super discouraging. I'll go to check my account balance only to see that it hasn't changed. Sometimes it will stay at one spot for 3 weeks. It's so scary. I've got to have $3,500 by June 29th and I haven't even gotten a third of that yet. I have to have  $6,500 before I leave.

This is real life…

If I don't have the money in my account by the deadline I will most likely get deffered to a January route. It wouldn't be horrible to leave in January instead of September… I'd get Christmas with my family. But I've already fallen in love with my September squad mates. They are some of the coolest people I have ever met. I'm so looking forward to spending a year with them! But to do this I need YOUR help. Please prayerfully considering supporting me financially. I only need 100 donors to give $31 for 5 months. That will help me reach my end goal of $15,500. This is a BIG challenge. But our God is bigger than any ammount of money that could possibly pose a threat to my trip.

I mostly just came on here to vent and express my disgust for blogging but my fingers had other plans I guess. Hope all is well in your world.

Grace and Peace to you through Jesus.

