WE MADE IT! I can't even begin to express the level of excitement within the squad. We are all super pumped to be at our first ministry location. For this month our squad will not be separating into teams. We will all be ministering in Harbin, China together. Our contact here is having us do campus discipling with the English speaking students at the universities in the city. We will also have some opportunity to do some daycare work. Basically our assignment for month one is to make friends with the students and try to build relationships for the ministry contact to build on and disciple when we leave. We are working on a very limited time frame so please keep us all in your prayers. Ask God to pour out His Spirit on us and make our ministry powerful. He is the only one that can make a difference. We are merely tools for Him to use. Also ask God to prepare the hearts of the Chinese students even NOW that they would be open to the Gospel.


Some of you are probably wondering what in the world we are thinking by going out and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in China. Let me put some of your fears to rest. Our ministry contact here in Harbin, China, is an American national that has lived in China for many many years. He has planted four churches in the city and has much experience with how the government deals with Christians. He informed us that many of the horror stories we hear in America about Christians being thrown in prison and China being closed are not fully true. Yes there are times when church services are broken up and people are taken in for questioning, but from what we have been told it is completely safe to share the Gospel and talk to the Chinese people about Jesus. SO, we are perfectly safe to share as The Lord leads. ALSO, shame on us for being afraid to do what God has called us to do. So what if we lose our lives? We are being obedient to a direct command from Jesus. He never gave us conditions where it was acceptable to NOT share the Gospel.


So, yea. We are in CHINA! I'll keep you updated at least once a week so please continue checking here for new posts. Love y'all!