The past two years of my life have involved an insane amount of growth in my walk with Christ.  The beginning of my Christian walk when I first came to know the Lord dealt with getting past the practical, faith bending questions that new believers have.  Last fall at Portantorchas, a Bible school I went to in Costa Rica, I acquired head knowledge of God and the Bible along with what it means for people to show true Godly love to each other.  This season of my life however, my World Race season has already been and I think will continue to be a different kind of growth than before.

                Since training camp for the World Race back in July, God has been pulling on my heart on what it means to break free of the chains that hold me back from enjoying His embrace.  Now with Launch and these first few days on the race I am beginning to realize what it truly means to have the chains broken off of me.  Through the insanely loving community which I am a part I am allowed and accepted to act and be who I am in the Lord; the man that He created me to be.

                I’m currently reading the book “Spiritual Slavery to Spiritual Sonship” by Jack Frost (shout out to Talia Bunting for the recommendation!).  Even with just the first two chapters God has been revealing new things to me.  You could call this season of my life as realizing my identity.

                I am a child of God. I am His son with whom He is well pleased.  It doesn’t matter what I do, what I don’t do, how I act, or what I say, God loves me the same and always has and always will.  There is nothing which I can do to earn more of His love or lose some of His love.  His love is unconditional at all times, it never changes.   It doesn’t matter what people think of me, whether they think positively or negatively, because I know that my Father in heaven always thinks positively of me; I am holy in His eyes.

                I am so excited to dive into this sonship which God has granted me.  I am free from the chains of having to pray the right prayer, journal the certain amount each day, read the three chapters of the Bible each day.  No matter what I do or don’t do there is nothing that will change the Father’s love for me.  At any moment I can run into my Father’s arms and He will pick me and swing me around throwing me into the air because He is well pleased with me even when I turn my back on Him.  I am created in His image and likeness and that’s exactly how He sees me.  Not that in my own being I am holy, but He sees me as holy and as His child.

I am a child of the Father, the God of the Universe, and He loves me with everything that He is because He is love.  For this reason, I will dance, I will sing, I will worship the King.  I love you Dad!