We are at an organization known as Pop-Up, which stands for “People Up-Liftment Program.” This organization functions off of the basic idea of instead of just giving a man a fish, teach him how to fish. They have many programs here in which they teach people basic life skills which enable them to support themselves and obtain jobs all the while providing them with the Gospel. This program is truly focused around Jesus, because He is the one thing/person in life which offers true hope and purpose in life.
Our ministry contact here was at first concerned with what he would have us do during our time here seeing as they had nothing prepared due to how randomly we showed up. After our conversation with him however, ideas started flowing! So… this month we are going to be doing a multitude of things. Not only will we be helping out around the facility here, but we will also be going out into the community and evangelizing, along with whatever it is the Lord calls us to do. Our time is not our own, it is God’s and we truly want to give it up to Him completely to do what He wants with it.
Even though we have gotten off to a slow start this month, we definitely know that this is where God wants us. We could not have planned this month of ministry on our own at all. I can’t even begin to say how excited I am for the ride that this month is going to be!

Sleeping arrangements at Pop-Up.