Before I applied for the World Race, I was definitely worried about the cost involved.  $15,500 is quite a bit of money that I definitely didn’t have.  After applying, I still had no idea how that money was going to show in order for me to go on this adventure; God had to show up.  That’s exactly what He has done; somehow within 2 months of fundraising $3,500 had been raised in order for me to attend training camp, and within a little over 3 months $6,500 had been raised in order for me to launch on this trip for the first 3 months.  All of that money raised was definitely God’s doing.  I never thought that much money could be raised in such a short of time, so it was a distinctive indication that God wanted me on this trip.  As of right now, I am currently at $8,700 which is yet a further indication that God has something more in store for me on this trip and wants me to continue on.  So far, God has taught me so much: He’s taught me that He loves every single person in the world, He’s taught me how to share His love with the lost, and He’s taught me how to be real with people.  The main thing He’s taught me however, is that I am a son; the God of the Universe is my Father and I can call Him Daddy.  There is nothing I have to do or say or not do or not say that makes Him love me more or less.  His love is unconditional and I can jump into my Father’s arms anytime I want to.  I can walk in the fact that I can turn to Him at any time and talk to Him and He will respond.  I can hear my Father’s voice and I can bask in His love.  And that’s what He wants for everyone, that’s the point in evangelism, so that people can come to know the Father.  I think that’s why I’m on this race, to learn what it means to be a son, and in turn show that to the lost people of the earth.

So, here’s the deal: by the end of November/beginning of December there needs to be $11,000 in my World Race account.  If that goal isn’t met, I won’t be able to continue this adventure which God has me on.  Within one month, $2,300 needs to be raised so that I can reach my goal.  In addition to that, the last deadline is the end of February/beginning of March; by that point my account needs to be at the final total amount of $15,500.

I want to thank everyone who has helped me along in this journey not only financially, but with prayer and just basic support as well.  I pray that you would consider donating to this trip to further God’s Kingdom and bring love to the lost.  Please spread the word about my trip and share my blog page, the more people who know the better.  Again, thanks so much.  I wouldn’t be on this trip without you guys, and I know this is exactly where God wants me to be!

God Bless!

P.S. I will most likely have limited internet access this month of November while in Swaziland, but I will try and keep everyone updated in terms of where I’m at financially.  I hope one day in November to look at my account and see that I can continue on to China, India, and Philippines for the next set of three months.


To donate either:

  1. Click on the support me link here on my blog and use your credit/debit card to donate.
  2. Send a check to Adventures in Missions at:

Adventures in Missions
PO Box 534470
Atlanta, GA 30353-4470
In the memo of the check you can write “World Race-Adam Mollica.”