Hey there my name is Adam, and I am from Edmonton. For any of my American friends who are reading this that is about 7 or 8 hours north of Montana. Well here is a few things about me that you might or might not know. I love travel it would probably have to be one of my favorite things to do. I love seeing new places and meeting new people. When I was younger we used to move around a lot and I just hated it because I would be leaving my friends and I would have to make new one’s all the time. Now that I am older I realized that God was in a way preparing me for what He has called me to. I know that I have a heart for missions and a desire to serve God wherever he calls me. Of course I was not always this way. I did not really truly have a heart to serve God until I was about 21, that is I never really knew who He was or what He had had in store for me. He has totally blown all of my preconceived ideas out the window. He has shown me who I am in Him and who He is in me. I also love the fact that He knows who I am so much more than I know who I am and He knows just the right thing to say at the right time to help me step out further and further in my faith in Him. I of course still have my struggles but that is not what this blog is for right. This is the one where I get to tell you who I am. I used to not know what to say when people asked me about myself and here I am writing a blog about myself. Here are a few of my favorite things. I just love to laugh and make people laugh, you know the kind of laughing where your stomach hurts at the end of it all. That kind of laughter, where you feel you had a good workout from it. I believe in bringing the joy of God through laughter and I know that laughter is so contagious. I also love to play sports and do extreme stuff like sky diving and rock climbing. I love adventures, the ones where you do not have to even leave your own city, but just finding adventure wherever you are at. I love my family. My mom and her husband Dave. My sister Vi and her husband Ray. My brother and his wife Nicole. and of course all my nieces and nephews. I am at this time with the Canadian military and I am posted in Afghanistan but I am already looking forward to this race. The reason for this is because I know this is the first step in my life of full time missions. I have spent so much time trying to push it aside or walk away from it, but I know this will be an exciting first step. I love roughing it outdoors and I know that this missions trip will be a great chance to do that, at least that is what I am getting from all the posts I have been reading on here for the last 2 years. A few other things I love:
 1) Reading into the wee hours of the morning, whatever, wherever
as long as it keeps me intriqued
2) Reading and studying the Word of God, I would choose this over any other book anytime
3) Praying and spending time with God, this is something I cant go without for even a day. I just love to absorb everything He has for me
4) Working with youth and showing them the good message of God and seeing them transformed into the likeness of Christ. I know that life can sometimes be so hard for todays youth and I just want them to know the love of God in their lives.
5) Having discussions/ debates about the things of God and what He is saying to me or you or anyone. I could spend hours talking about God and helping people who are broken and hurting. I know it hurts God when His children are hurting and I want to be able to soothe those hurts with His words.
Well I have more but I do not want to tell you everything about me in one shot. I mean what would I have to write later if I told you everything right now, beside it is always good to have a little mystery about yourself right?