Dcvxcvjxcvjk sdjsvl vksjviuv ruhdflsid fnsld vsf ddfbsfbdv dfbv dfvkisdv vjsvsyviu vnvjhvsiu yiwfhsi djqweodi jpodhj k.mad,maj jkvjv,sl dfsdv.

Now just imagine that my whole blog was written that way and you had to try to figure out what I was saying, but you had no way to understand what was written because you did not understand the language. Then just imagine you went outside and everyone was speaking that language but you could not understand it.

This is what our month of ministry has been like so far. In case you did not know, this month my team is in Cambodia. It is a land of extreme beauty, and with very happy and beautiful people. It is also a land with a very painful and dark past. I am not sure if you have heard of the Khmer Rouge, but 30 years ago they committed many atrocities in Cambodia. They tried to kill all the educated people in the country who might speak up against the government, and when the smoke cleared they had killed 1/3 of the entire population.

They also mined the northern border to stop people from leaving and this is still affecting people today. If you go to the northern part of Cambodia you will see many people missing limbs because there are still many mines out there. One of the biggest problems that came from this genocide was a fear that permeated society. It was a fear to become educated, because what if they come back and find that the people had become educated again? So for many years Cambodian society ceased moving forward and the infrastructure of the country crumbled. Even now 30 years later you will see a difference between all the other Asian nations and Cambodia.

There is a change though and it is a good change. You can walk down any of the roads in the country and at certain times during the day you will see hundreds of children riding bikes and wearing a white dress shirt and dress pants or a nice dress for the girls. People are not as fearful anymore. There is a hope and a joy that has filled the people here. You will also hear every kid say hello a thousand times and as annoying as that can get it is good to know that the enemy cannot keep hope from coming to the surface of the human heart no matter how much pain he inflicts.

My prayer is that just as this country has had to face its past, a past filled with violence and fear. But has come out of the fear and moved forward with hope and joy. That we will also be able to see through our past and look forward to the life ahead of us with hope and a peace that surpasses all understanding. Please pray for my team this month as we are far removed from the things we are all used to and will be working on looking inward and also pray that the lives of the teens we are working with at Teen Challenge will be transformed even with the language barrier.  Also know that we will be praying for all of you back home. I also want to send a thank you to all of my supporters because without you none of this would be possible, because of you I get to be light to those who have just come through the darkest of night and are looking for hope so thank you and I pray that you would continue to support me and my team with your prayers.