Well this blog totally has nothing to do with Holy Ghost bulets or maybe it does. I have been in Georgia at training camp for the last few days and I can tell you I feel like I have been shot with the Holy Ghost shot gun.
    I have had some physical activity and I feel that I need and desire more of that, but I have also had many more spiritual activities that have filled me full of holes. They have made me realize that God is so amazing and so great; much greater than anyone can put in any single blog.
    Before I arrived at camp I thought alot about what it meant to be a man of God and I strived to become that daily. Since the start of signing up for the race I have seen that there are not a lot of men of God willing to step out and do this race and as a result there are about 25% of guys to 75% women here and as such the few men here will have to step up.
     We will have to be warriors for God and we will have to be protectors and we will have to become leaders as God has made us to be. This will be hard sometimes, but it is all part of becoming the men that God wants us to be on this race and every single day after we are finished this race.
      We have also been doing a lot of team building and that is stretching for everyone, myself included. We as men took some time apart from the women on the squad and just came together as men of God and the best thing…..at the end of it all we got to build a fire.
      The last thing I want to talk about is the worship and prayer that I have experienced here. It has been a very long time since I have felt the spirit of God fall so hard and so fast as I have since I have been here. I know that God is in this place and in the hearts of those who have gone before. I think that God has been growing me and changing me through this experience. I have been able to grow so much in this short time and I thank God for this opportunity and this step of faith. Hope you enjoyed this blog and just know that there are pictures to follow on this blog soon. Hello Allison!!!