I have asked myself several questions over the last few days and I am still seeking for the answers. Questions like how can a mother leave her own child in the street and just walk away from him? Have we as a people gotten so calloused that we dont even care about our own children. That we dont care for the ones who rely upon us for love and care and who trust us.


 In my last post I talked about a couple of kids but you know before I started reading through those profiles I was trying to learn more about what love truly means to me as a christian. How can I as a christian prove to the world that Christ is the true way and that I truly am a follower of His?

 I have been reading this book that was given to me just before I left called Spiritual slavery to Spiritual sonship by an author named Jack Frost. I was captured by one particular part of the book that talks about the great commission versus the great commandment. It talks about how the commandment to love one another comes before the commission to go out and reach the lost. So many times I have placed going and doing above loving and I pray that God will show me a greater understanding of Hos love not just for me but for everyone.


 Those little children who were cast aside by their families and abused, and who had their innocence stolen. God loves them just as much as you and me and what makes us any different from the people who hurt them if we do not show them love? The book does not just talk about loving the lost but also about us loving each other. In the bible Paul goes so far as to say that without love we are nothing in 1 Cor 13:1-3


 You can recognize a person who truly know and loves God, not by how well they preach or how well they know the Bible, but by the life of love, compassion and tenderness they live when no one else is looking. I pray that I will be seen this way and I pray that as you read this you will try to become that as well and that you will see what true love is.


 The type of love that I am talking about is a love that causes us to seek the low place of humility, service, honor and value. It breaks my heart to see that I have not done that so much and I need to ask forgivness of anyone who reads this if I have not sought to show you this love, and mostly I need to ask God for His forgiveness and I pray that you would show me O Father how to be a doer of the word. I ask that you would show me daily how to humble myself and seek to honor you and others through my love.