Hello from the Philippines. Thank you again to everyone that has supported me and got me here. I also thank everyone who has and continues to pray for me and my team. I am telling you though….it is darn hot here. I do not think I have gone a day without sweating. I am telling you I sure do appreciate 7-11 a lot more. We went to a basket ball game in town for Jeffs son who is really a big time player down here. He already has endorsements from Gatorade and Nike and he is only in college ball. So the point of that story was to tell you two things first of all that Jeff is our ministry contact and that we went to 7-11 before the game and the a/c in there was to die for. I could have stayed there the whole day if I did not have a game to go to.


On our first day here we went to this beautiful waterfall and even though we were tired and hot it was super beautiful to go and swim and the water was nice and cold. Take a look at this beauty hidden away….


It is so amazing to see such a difference in this country. To go from the beauty of this waterfall to the slums that occupy the area right outside our ministry gates. We have had an opportunity to travel by some different modes of transportation including something called a jeepney and this is what it looks like from the inside.


So far things have been very crazy and go go go but as things start to shake out and we start to fall into the pattern of ministry here then it will be a lot better. Keep praying for me and my team and I cant wait to see what God is going to do here. Stay tuned as there is more to follow…