I had one of the funniest moments that I’ve experienced on the World Race in Uganda, so I thought I’d share it with you to hopefully brighten your day. As mentioned in my earlier blog “Evangelism Man”, we had been going to a small village near our church doing evangelism with the help of an amazing Christian lady named Grace. Grace was so sweet and very hospitable to us, so we wanted to help her and bless her in any way we could. I especially wanted to help with anything I could because Grace’s husband had left her a few months before, so I wanted to help with any repairs the house needed, heavy lifting etc. 

So Hope and I went to Grace’s house one day intending to offer our help. After declining my offer to help with the house in some way, Hope insisted on washing the dishes for Grace. Reluctantly, she began to give in and looked at me for confirmation. Hope said politely, “come on, Grace, I’ll wash the dishes”. As usual, there were about a dozen kids in the house, all wanting to see the crazy white people. 

“Yeah, I reassured her, and I’ll watch the kids”. Grace suddenly looked surprised and amused. “Really?!” She asked, which I thought was weird because watching the kids was no big deal. 

In fact, what Grace had heard me say was “I’ll wash the kids”. It wasn’t until the crazy event was over that I realized how absurd this must have sounded to her. Hope saying, “I’ll wash the dishes”, and a bearded, homeless-looking white guy in his 20’s volunteering “and I’ll wash the kids”. Of course, instead of calling the cops as any self-respecting American mom would have done, Grace got a bucket and some soap and led me to the front yard. 

There have been several moments on the World Race when I have thought, “if my parents and friends could see me now… wow”. This was one of those moments. I was in the front yard of Grace’s house with the entire village watching as I bathed her two daughters, Holga and Gift. It was totally ridiculous but completely hilarious and just one of those crazy World Race moments that I’ll remember for a long time. 
I have some great pictures from this experience, but our internet is quite sketchy at the moment, so I’ll try to upload them later.
Love you all!