One of the other teams on my squad had the opportunity to serve in a rural village in Cambodia last month and caught the vision of the contact there.  There is an opportunity for you to join in what the Lord is doing in Cambodia!  Below is a description and video from the guys and girls of Team Ninja on our squad.  Please pray and see if the Lord is leading you to support this ministry.  Thanks!

We have met incredible people all over the world during this past year. We have gotten to live day in and day out with people who are putting it all on the line to follow God’s vision for their lives. We leave most months inspired and thankful that God would allow us to see the ways in which He is moving throughout the world.

This past month Team Ninja from the J Squad worked with one such inspiring person. His name is Vuthy Nurn, and he lives in a small, remote village in Cambodia called Toch Village. He was born in the village but spent his childhood in Phnom Penh, the capital. After a few rebellious years, he accepted Christ through YWAM. Almost immediately God laid a vision on his heart for how Vuthy could transform his village.

Vuthy’s vision is almost as big as his heart is. His vision includes building a home for abandoned children from the village, as well as for orphaned street kids from Phnom Penh. He wants to construct a youth center for the local youth from his village and the surrounding area. He wants a place for the youth to gather to learn about God, to have a space for a computer lab, and to run English classes. He currently runs English classes every day for local children and youth.

Throughout the month Team Ninja and the J Squad caught Vuthy’s vision. We believe that God is working mightily through his life. In order for Vuthy to be able to see these dreams come to pass in reality, he will need financial support. He needs money to begin the initial process to build both the orphanage and the youth center. Please watch the video that we have put together to give you a more complete picture of Vuthy and his vision. We hope that you will be able to see the amazing things that will come out of your donations to his project.

To donate via the internet follow this link. 

Please select “Support a World Race Project” under Choose Program.

Please enter “2010 June J Squad” in the Project Field.

If you wish to send a donation by mail, please make your check payable to Adventures In Missions and mail it to:

Adventures In Missions
P.O. Box 534470
Atlanta, GA 303

Please indicate “World Race Project Fund ” 2010 June J Squad” in the memo section of the check.

Your gift is tax-deductible.